Dec 09, 2003 08:03
Travis invited me to go rock climbing today. I'm thinking about declining. I'm feeling really sick to my stomach. I don't know if it's because I'm genuinely sick, or if it's because of all the stress of the end of the semester. I have two exams today, one in US History and one in US Government. I stayed up all night last night studying for both tests, but failure seems unavoidable. At least I can honestly say that I tried my best. That's the important part, right?
I've been looking into some four year universities and colleges. Taking the SATs has certainly revved up my enthusiasm for getting a higher education. I know most people think I'm crazy for re-taking the SATs, particularily since I'm already going to a community college, but I honestly believe that a high score just might improve my chances of getting accepted. My GPA isn't that high right now (about 3.2, I believe), so anything that helps out my college education will not be passed by.
I just thought I'd take a minute from my studying and record my thoughts for the day. I really need to start updating more often. When I first started this journal, my goal was to update every day, but after about a month or so I started slacking off. Oh well.
As always, I wish everyone a very happy Tuesday. I hope that everyone has a great Christmas/holiday break!