Sep 07, 2004 17:03
Okay so AP Physics is the most awesome class ever.
But this post is more about Labor Day Weekend.
okay wow i just lost all interest in writing this post.
i will now bullet random things
prescott was so fun. racing ATVs on downward slopes is the ultimate high.
um. i went to a good bye dinner for one of my friends sundaynight at spaghetti factory. Te Echare de menos jasmine! It like 3rd street and mcdowell and the restaurant is really nice. walking in you'd expect it to be really expensive (its not) cuz the atmosphere is very classy-ish and the food is really good too.
monday morning i drove up to tempe to catch a film with ravi, elizabeth, and amanda (which involved much discussion with my mom since its really far plus id already gone out twice that weekend or somethign... altho i did tell my parents what i was doing and not telling them i was doing calc hw cough - amanda- or just at home cough -ravi-...) okay the film was so mindblowing. a bunch of random topics from quantum physics (drool), to theology, biochemistry, sex, and bascially everythign else was covered. yeah i know, mind blowing. we went to islands and had much fun discussing it all.
and then monday night i just did all my work cuz i was just hanging out the rest of the weekend. i actually got to bed before midnight; yay (i got super tired early cuz of my prescott schedule)
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