Excerpt: Lovegame (Rated Mature/Explicit)

Jul 24, 2010 16:04

Here's a short (~2800 word) excerpt from Lovegame, the WIP that is a follow-up to Paper Planes.  It uses side characters introduced in Paper Planes and picks up directly after one of the scenes near the end of the book.  I promised an excerpt when I hit 35,000 words, which I did last night, so here is just a snippet from Chapter One.  It starts in the middle, because I wanted to get the smut in without making it too long.

Here's an off-the-cuff blurb to give you an idea:

Television actor Adam Cruce and his longtime boyfriend, rock star Keith Black, are used to picking up pretty boys for threesomes and then cutting them loose at the end of the night with no regrets. They aren’t expecting a surprise pickup, Sebastian Keane, to be the one who came to stay-especially when they live in LA and he lives all the way across the country.

“You have that look on your face.”

Keith looked up at his lover, Adam Cruce, from his stretched-out position on the floor.  “What look is that?”

“The one that says you’ve found your target for the evening and have your eye on him.”  Adam smiled as he dropped down to the floor beside Keith, apparently unconcerned with his getting his clothes dirty or wrinkled.  There were many things Keith loved about Adam, but his unselfconsciousness was possibly first on that list.  It was something Keith had never managed to attain.  “Is he pretty?”

“He’s too pretty for words,” Keith sighed, thinking of the college boy twink he’d bumped into.  “I spilled my beer on him.”

Adam winced through his laughter.  “Jesus.  No one who sees you dance would know what an epic klutz you are.  Was he mad?”

“As a wet cat.”

“So now you want him even more because he was pissed at you and didn’t fall for your charm.  Is that it?”

Keith narrowed his eyes at his lover before pulling himself into a sitting position, nose-to-nose with him.  “I thought we’d had this discussion before.”

Adam was still laughing, his breath tickling over Keith’s lips and tempting him with the thought of dragging Adam off to the rehearsal room and locking the door.  Or maybe not locking the door-sometimes having an audience spiced things up.  “Which discussion is that?”

“The one where you agreed not to read my mind.”  Keith couldn’t help himself; he brushed a quick kiss over Adam’s mouth.

“I don’t remember signing that clause in our pre-nup, babe.  You’re making things up again.”  But Adam kissed him back before he could argue that he wasn’t making things up, dammit, and besides that, they didn’t even have a pre-nup.  It was kind of hard to have pre-nuptial agreements when there weren’t any nuptials.

“How long do you have before you have to go on?”  Adam nipped at his lips, distracting him, making it difficult to answer.  He was thinking about getting even more distracted-Adam was good enough to eat in fitted jeans and a hilariously conservative polo, and a dirty little blowjob on the floor was just what the doctor ordered-when he remembered why he was backstage in the first place.

“Unfortunately,” he sighed, “they want me for sound checks in about five minutes, and we’re good, but we’re not that good.”  He put his hand in the middle of Adam’s chest and pushed back but lost his resolve halfway there and slid his hand down to Adam’s stomach instead, tugging at his belt buckle.  He slipped his hand in behind the waistband of Adam’s jeans and grinned.  “Maybe I can be five minutes late.  Dressing room?”

“Men’s room is closer.”

“But not as empty, and babe, as much as I love showing you off, I’d rather us not get arrested for it.”

Adam grinned and licked Keith’s lips, taking a moment to palm Keith’s crotch through his tight-and getting tighter by the second-leather pants.  “All right.  Dressing room.  But hurry up.”

Keith had plans to suck Adam off, but as soon as they were inside the room with the door closed (and locked, unfortunately), Adam shoved Keith against the wall and went to his knees, taking Keith’s pants and underwear with him.

“Tell me about the boy,” Adam demanded as he palmed Keith’s cock.  He looked up through long, golden eyelashes, the smattering of freckles across his nose giving him an innocent look that made his current position that much hotter.  He jacked Keith’s erection with long, steady pulls, flicking his tongue over the head.  “The one you wanted to pick up.  Tell me about him.”

“He was-fuck, baby!”  As soon as Keith started talking, Adam fastened his mouth over the head of Keith’s dick and sucked hard, hollowing his cheeks.  Adam gave him a reprimanding look, and Keith took a deep breath.  If he didn’t keep going, Adam would quit.  “He… he was young, probably in college… at least twenty-one ’cause he’d bought a beer.”  Keith couldn’t help the way his hips bucked, pushing his dick deeper into Adam’s mouth.  “Although maybe he just batted his eyelashes at the bartender and gave him a blowjob behind the counter.”

Adam made a humming noise that at any other time, Keith would have catalogued as “thoughtful.”  At the moment it just sounded dirty and delicious-and felt fucking amazing.

“He was tiny-less than five-five, easy-and skinny.  Prettiest face I’ve ever seen.  Blue-green eyes… glitter and eyeliner, all glammed up.”  Adam’s mouth screwed down the length of Keith’s dick, and he lost his train of thought for a minute.  Adam cupped Keith’s balls in his hand and squeezed, just enough to remind Keith he was supposed to be talking.

“H-he… fuck, baby, yeah… He was…”  He slid his hand into Adam’s hair, cupping the back of his skull.  Adam sucked harder, and Keith struggled to keep talking.  “Two-tone hair… black roots, blond tips.  Mouth you’d pay to see around your dick.  Fucking perfect little nose.”

Adam started choking, and Keith managed to get enough control of himself to let go of Adam’s hair and let him pull back.  He didn’t expect Adam to pull all the way off-or to be laughing.

“His nose?”

Keith scowled.  “Shut up and suck my dick, bitch.”  The words lost most of their heat since Keith was laughing, too.  “And yeah, his nose.”  Adam was still laughing, but they’d used up at least all of Keith’s five minutes and were probably getting close to ten more, so he managed to at least stop smiling long enough to stuff Keith’s cock back in his mouth.

Keith moaned as he sank into the wet heat of Adam’s mouth.  He was pretty sure Adam had learned to suck dick from either an angel or a whore; nobody Keith had ever met sucked his cock like Adam did.  He wondered how the college boy would do.

“He’d fit perfectly between us, babe.”  Keith shut his eyes and imagined that exquisite little body between them, all three of them slick with sweat as they moved together.  “Maybe he’d even take us both at the same time, both our cocks shoved into his tight little hole...”

Adam groaned around his dick, and Keith gasped, yanking on Adam’s hair.

“Babe, I’m… I’m com-oh shit, baby, yeah!”

Adam swallowed him down, pulling back just in time to catch the last droplets on his lips, and then grinned up at Keith as he licked them off slowly and deliberately.

“Fuck,” Keith panted, sliding down the wall.  Adam climbed over him and kissed him, sharing the last traces of flavor, and Keith tilted his head, inviting Adam’s tongue deeper.  “I swear to God,” Keith said when they parted.  “You get better every single time.  I wish I had time to pay you back, but…”

“Mmm.”  Adam kissed him again.  “You can owe me.”  He stood up and reached down to help Keith to his feet.  Adam fussed with Keith’s hair as Keith pulled his underwear and leather pants back up.  The leather was harder to get on now that his skin was damp with sweat, but he wriggled into them anyway.

He’d just gotten the fly done up when there was a pounding on the door.

“Keith?  You horny bastard, get the fuck out here.  They’re gonna kick us off the stage without a sound check if you’re not there in three minutes.”

Adam laughed and yelled through the door, “Hold your horses, Manny.  He’s zipping up.”

“Shoulda known it was your fault this time,” the drummer called back.  “Everyone thinks he corrupted you, but some of us know it was the other way around.”

Keith had himself put back together by then, and he pulled open the door and shoved past Manny.  “Come on, dude.  Stop flirting with my boyfriend and let’s go.”

“See ya, Manny,” Adam laughed, not sounding the least bit repentant.

Keith saw Manny flip up his middle finger at Adam and had to laugh.  They made it onto the stage with thirty seconds to spare.


Adam Cruce swiped at the corner of his mouth with his thumb, checking for leftover cheese sauce from the soft pretzel he’d just finished.  The damn things were his downfall, and he knew he should stop eating them before they ruined his physique and sent Keith running to one of his pretty boy groupies once and for all, but every now and then couldn’t hurt.  Besides, that’s what personal trainers were for.

He’d been meaning to find Keith after the sound check, but apparently Adam was wanted for interviews and Keith had a last-minute rehearsal with his band.  The cute photographer they’d hit on in DC was at the rehearsal snapping pics, and Adam felt a little jealous that Keith was going to be locked up in a room with him for several minutes without Adam present, but he didn’t think the photog would fall prey to Keith’s charm.  He’d turned them down cold in DC, after all.  And it wasn’t that he minded if Keith got the guy in bed; it was just that Adam wanted a chance at him, too.

So instead Adam was wandering around the Pride set up, checking out vendors, occasionally buying little rainbow-themed knickknacks for the hell of it.  He knew there was an extra security person hanging around close by, but it was almost comical how much Adam didn’t get recognized.  At the most, someone would tilt their head at him and say, “Has anyone ever told you that you look kinda like that guy from Boyfriends?”

He hadn’t decided yet if it was a compliment or an insult that they didn’t recognize him out of character.  At least he knew people were watching his show.

So Adam was seriously fucking unprepared for a soft gasp beside him and a sexy little voice saying tentatively, “Are you… you’re Jamie from Boyfriends, aren’t you?”

He looked down quickly, and the wide eyes staring back at him-turquoise and clear like a tropical ocean, rimmed in thick blue eyeliner with sparkly glitter spreading up his temples and into his two-tone hair-stole his breath like a sucker punch.  He would bet money this was Keith’s pretty boy, and goddamn, his boyfriend had good taste.

“Adam Cruce, actually.”  He laughed when the kid blushed.  Fuck yes, he was going to pick up where Keith had left off trying to get this boy into their bed.  “But yes, I’m Jamie on Boyfriends.  It’s nice to meet you…”

He left the sentence hanging in the air, hoping it would entice the kid into telling Adam his name.

“Baz-um, Sebastian Keane.”  His eyes were still impossibly wide, his pupils blown so that there was only a tiny ring of jewel-toned aqua around them, and Adam was not above using a little starpower to try to seduce him.  Usually Keith was the one bringing in the starfucker factor; it was nice to be the carrot instead of the stick for a change.

“Nice to meet you, Sebastian Keane.”  He took a moment to really look at the kid, amused to notice that he was wearing one of Keith’s tour shirts, Keith’s hot-eyed devil smirk painted over black fabric promising synthetic sin just from wearing a T-shirt.  “I see you’re wearing one of my boyfriend’s shirts.”

He grinned when Sebastian looked down at himself like he wasn’t sure exactly what he was wearing.

“Yeah, um, he… I sort of ran into him, and there was beer spillage, and he offered me a clean shirt, so…”  Sebastian shrugged, looking so adorably awkward Adam thought he could actually feel his mouth watering.  “I don’t actually know his music that well.  Just that one single, that ‘Fire’ song that my roommate played until my ears bled.”  Sebastian’s gorgeous eyes went wide, and he backpedaled quickly.  “Not that it’s a bad song!  Or anything!  I just… it was just…”

Adam laughed, reaching out to pat him reassuringly on the shoulder, absolutely taking advantage of the moment to touch him, to gauge his reaction.  Sebastian shuddered delicately, and Adam let his hand skim down Sebastian’s arm before it fell away completely.

“Don’t worry.  I think I understand the concept of overplayed.”  He tilted his head toward the amphitheater.  “Unfortunately, he’ll probably be playing that song tonight, but he’ll also be doing a few others that I actually like better, if you want to come check it out.”  Sebastian hesitated, and Adam pressed a little further, hoping he was setting the hook, not letting this shiny little fish off the line.  “I’ve got a good spot to watch it from, if the crowd’s a little much for you.”

Sebastian’s gaze shot to his, and Adam knew he had him.

“Really?”  Sebastian looked like he regretted sounding so breathless and starstruck, but the awed tone went straight to Adam’s head.  He didn’t usually get off on the celebrity factor, but something about Sebastian’s adoration-or maybe it was just his pretty face-made it a lot easier to swallow.  “You wouldn’t mind?  I mean…”

Hook, line, and sinker; time to reel him in.  Oh, wouldn’t Keith be surprised.  But it wouldn’t do for the kid not to know what he could be getting into.

“Why don’t we go take a look at it, and you can see if you want to watch the concert from there.”  Just because he wanted Sebastian to know what was going on didn’t mean he wanted to announce it to all of Pride Charlotte.

Sebastian trailed along behind him on the way to the reserved VIP seating.  The security guards nodded to Adam as they passed, and Sebastian pressed a little closer to him, apparently unaware of his action.  Adam felt his skin tingle when Sebastian’s arm brushed against his, and he couldn’t help a thrill of anticipation.  He sure as hell hoped Sebastian was on board with the threesome idea, because if it was this hot just walking side by side, the sex was going to be mind-blowing.

When they got into the VIP area, which still had a few too many people around for Adam’s taste but was much more private, he turned to Sebastian.  “Here’s the deal,” he said, voting for the blunt and simple approach.  “Keith and I like to invite other partners in to play with us.  He mentioned you to me, and I have to say I agree with him.  We’d like you to come back to our hotel with us after the show tonight.”

Sebastian’s skin was starting to go pale, and Adam rushed ahead.

“It’s not mandatory.  You have plenty of time to think about it, and if you decide you don’t want to, that’s fine.  We’re not going to be angry with you.  Either way, you’re still welcome to watch the show from one of these VIP seats, no strings attached.  Consider it my contribution to Keith’s apology for spilling his beer on you and then being an ass.”

“He wasn’t-”  Sebastian stopped, unable to finish the lie.  Adam grinned.

“He’s not really an ass, but I do know my boyfriend, and I know how he comes off.  It’s okay.  You’re allowed to think he was a total shithead.”

Sebastian shook his head, and Adam saw that he was really going to argue this time.  “No, I’ve met total shitheads, and… Keith… isn’t one.”  The kid seemed really awkward about saying the name so casually, and Adam forced himself not to smile.  “He might have been kind of an ass, but… he tried to make it better.”  Sebastian shrugged, and Adam arched an eyebrow at him, trying to prompt him back on the other line of conversation.

“I’d… if it’s okay, I’d love to watch the show from here… with you.”  Sebastian cleared his throat.  “And can I think about the other for a little while?  It’s kind of... unexpected.”

“Of course.”  Adam motioned one of the security guards over and then gestured to the kid.  “John, this is Sebastian Keane.  He’s my guest this evening for Keith’s show.  Just in case he needs something when I’m not here, I wanted to make sure there won’t be any problem.”

“Of course not, Mr. Cruce.”  John nodded, all professional demeanor.  Adam had gotten to know him a little earlier, and he quite liked the guy.  “I’ll let everyone know.”

When John walked away, Adam looked back at Sebastian.  “So that’s it.  The cat’s out of the bag.  Even if you decide you don’t want to sleep with me and Keith”-oh, the kid’s blush was like candy-“the security staff knows you’re to be allowed in this area.  It’s all yours for the evening.”

He leaned in closer, turning up the charm Keith insisted he had.  He held eye contact until the last second, when he put his lips closer to Sebastian’s ear, relishing the kid’s quiet shiver.  He let his hand skim up Sebastian’s arm to rest on his shoulder and lowered his voice.

“And just so you’re clear… so are we.”

excerpt, lovegame

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