Aug 02, 2010 01:56

Thanks to KathleenFoucart who reminded me of WFMAD. I know LHA said not to do blogging and I'm not really going to, but for this first post I will. This is probably also the only time I'll actually be following the prompt she gives out. The other days I intend to write for at least 15 minutes on the dreaded THESIS.

Prompt for today: Give yourself permission. Write yourself an excuse note that gives you permission to not do something else in your life for fifteen minutes a day for the next 31 days. Be specific and clear about when you are going to write. Bonus points for writing about what might get in the way of your WFMAD writing, and how you are going to combat it.

I hereby from this point forward, give myself permission to write for 15 minutes a day. This delightful gift will occur either first thing upon waking up, at 3:00pm, or if these two moments prove to be unavailable or inconvenient, at another available and convenient time. The following things might get in the way of WFMAD:

1. Werk
2. Facebook
3. Procrastination
4. My stress
5. Family distractions
6. After 8/23 School Work

I plan to combat these things in a variety of ways. The evil known as Facebook will be conquered by making a new rule that states that I am not allowed to log onto Facebook until my 15 minutes have been completed. If I do log on without completing the 15 min of writing, then I will be banned from Facebook for an 12 full hrs. Procrastination will hopefully be combated since I'll already eliminated the evil known as Facebook. My stress will be decreased through the activities of going to bed at a decent time, doing yoga during the morning, and by having a relaxing cup of tea in the afternoon specifically at my desired writing time of 3:00pm. My family distractions will hopefully be lessened by telling the family of my writing plans and asking them to please not bother me during that time. Werk and school work will be the most difficult distractions, but I will try to teach myself to simply say each day when the writing time comes around that I deserve at least 15 minutes to write.

wfmad, writing

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