Mar 20, 2005 18:26
so far, nothing really exciting has happened over my spring break. i hope you guys are having more fun than i's not like i'm dying or anything but i could be having a better time than this (today wasn't that bad tho) anyways...what are you're all's names on opendiary? mine's the same as on here so that i don't forget it. i havent wrote on there yet cuz i haven't had time but when i get off of this i will.
i swear our school is so stupid for banning livejournal. i can't stand that shit, it's not like there's anything bad on here, i actually helps some people cuz it's the only place where they can say whatever they know? i don't know how you guys are getting on it at school sometimes cuz everytime i try to get on it, i can't and i've tried it in the library, ms. st. clair's room ,and mrs. drummonds, and none of them i give on getting on at school. you'll just have to go to opendiary if i haven't made a recent comment on here cuz it'll most likely be on there since school is my only get away to here (besides my grandma's)
i secretly hope that spring break ends soon cuz i really want to see you guys and J again. i asked my dad last night if could call him and he didn't say anything. so like 10 minutes later i asked again and we "exchanged words" for a minute and then i acted like i was pissed at him (cuz they act like even tho i've got good grades it doesn't matter even tho he said it would...i think i should at least be able to talk on the phone for my grades, u kno?) and he asked me what was wrong and i was like "oh, nothing" really hateful, and he was like are you being a smartass? and i was like no i'm not being a smartass and then i sat there for a minute acting pissed some more and then i got up and went to go watch tv. i swear though that's exactly what i said and he didn't say anything to me about it. i'm going to ask him EVERYDAY to talk on the phone till it finally gets on his nerves (or somebody's) and if he still says no i'm going to keep asking cuz that's a bunch of bullshit to not even let me talk on the phone to my b/f over spring break. by the is our 2 month "anniversay" :) it seems like we've been together longer than that tho...cera, i've yet to try our dinner idea cuz i'm at my grandma's right now.
anyways i've got more to type but i'll have to do it later cuz i'm tired of typing.
~luv ya~