(no subject)

Aug 10, 2005 21:10


thats all i can say about how life has been lately! revosummer was amazing, i ended up tellimg my testimony on the last day, its amazing how God uses people because i would never get up in front of 300+ teens and adults/pastors and talk about god or anything really. but i did and i did it with excitement because i am SO EXCITED ABOUT WHAT GOD IS DOING! before i left for campo i felt like i was going to have to wait to graduate to find my purpose, but now i see that every step i take into fort walton beach highschool is my purpose, i am sopposed to be here, that is MY mission field! every day i take joy in being the lords disciple to the kids at my school and all i want to do is reflect all the love and joy that jesus gives to me every day and show the kids that are so lost that they are here for a reason.

and so school started last thursday and its been awesome, i know this year has all been planned out for me and theres a reason for everything. and theres a reason everything happened last year too! i am even slowly learning to pray for my enemies and people that i was so angry at i now have compasion for and i see the pain in them like i had in myself not to long ago! I love a boy and the awesome thing is that we're friends and we;ve always been that way and i just realized how much i just completely love the kid! i mean, im with him and i just know that god put me in his life for a reason and i love talking to him and i want so badly for him to have the joy that i have and purpose that i have through christ so i am constantly just trying to be there for him in whatever way i can because i love him! and im just waiting for god to show me whats to happen with that!

anyways, im listening to elliot smith right now which makes me cry everytime i hear him! hahah!

OH YEAH! im leading worship for groundswell, learning to play the piano and such. My dad cried when i played a worship song for him! and people tell me i have a "passionate" voice! thats one of the coolest things ive ever heard!

well anyways everythings really good except umm NO SURF!!!! so i really dont know what to do with myself anymore when i get home from school!

9 days and ill be surfing with melanie bartels and rochelle ballard two of my biggest inspirations in female surfing! STOKED!!

anyways, LIFE IS GRAND, but dont i always say that!
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