
Dec 24, 2005 22:42

heres a p.s. to the last entry. a certain relitive of mine was one of those people who were at my house for dinner and when playing cranium girls vs. boys some how the boys won in a club cranium sharades "paparatzi" whatever i was kicking their asses during the whole game. oh yeah and my grams was drunk as hell and all of us were about to shoot her. and after all the tradings and swaps in our white elephant gift exchange i ended up getting the red dog saloon tank top and matching undies!ha my aunt had them and my cousin reall REALLY wanted the tank top but we traded and she took my candle and i got that!so yeah have about an hour till church and yep thats all folks! merry chritshanakwanza!i think i did that wrong but who cares?!
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