Apr 09, 2004 18:46
OK, I have this site, and this gurl named syliva stole some pix from my site, and 1 of them I MADE! And she promised me she wud never do that again cuz she did it b4! UGGHH! HOPE SHE DIES! I cant beleive her, and I noe that she stole it from MY site, cuz her codes have MY username in them from the site where i put my pix! And when i told her, she was like she got them from a friend, MY ASS! PFF! thats not the only thing im pissed bout, I studied till like 1am for a test, and I STILL did CRAPPY on it! And im REALLY sad cuz I tried SOOOO HARD on it, and its not fair! But ah well! I think I did gud on my other test(knocks on wood)lol! I am SOOOO0O happy that we have a 4-day weekend, i havent had much sleep this past week. There is this gurl, she lending me her cd, so I can download a program on my computer! And it is SOOOOO nice of her cuz those porgrams cost like 300$!!! So ya! I have new colors cuz I like these better, im not a pink person, but I just LOVE the mixture of black and hot pink, they luk SOOO cool 2gether! So ya. About the fact that I rite A LOT, its cuz I dont rite every day, so I explain my WHOLE week, I hope its not 2 boring. There have been some gud sides of this week, like, I played bball(like always), there is this guy, he is finally starting not 2 tease me(so happy), I think I did gud on my other test, and its a 4 day weekend, so I can watch days of our lives!lol! My site is also going well(in my opinion) ive learned some new stuff, and im happy bout that. OOOO YA!, I forgot 2 tell u ppl, if n e 1 noes a gud graphic site, plz post here, or post it on my g-book in my site, thankies!:d
ok, thats it 4 this entry!