Teen Wolf squee

Apr 12, 2013 19:50

Under the cut! (so I don't inflict it on people who don't curr) ALSO SPOILERS FOR ALL OF TEEN WOLF.

SO! I just finished watching Teen Wolf and jdlksajkljaskl IT IS THE ID-SHOW OF MY IDDY HEART. I knew it would be, but I was holding off because I didn't have space for it and now summer is coming up I HAVE THE SPACE AND YES I AM GLAD I AM NOT HOLDING OUT ANYMORE.

  • The season one episode in the school is perfection, I would have written that, it is conflict and tension and bottle episoding done so right, ugh.
  • How has Scott even survived life this long. (Answer: Stiles) Scott's the most adorable dumbass in the world.
  • I ship all the parents. This is proper, right? I am now wishing for Chris/Melissa and Melissa/Sheriff Stilinski triangles of pining, and OH YES PETER CAN ARRIVE TO MESS THINGS UP TOO YES.
  • I sail the ship Sterek. Also pretty sure I ship everything ever on this show. But the Derek/Stiles dynamic is so right and I came into Teen Wolf expecting so much less of them interacting then actually happens (which I think is the opposite experience to most people who find Teen Wolf through tumblr and fic?)
  • Stiles always makes me smily and his ongoing quest to find out if he is attractive to gay guys is hilarious and his lack of brain-to-mouth filter is excellence personified.
  • And also, Stiles is the best thing to happen for kids with ADHD since Percy Jackson.
  • (And yes, I want all the Stiles is a demi-god fic that the world can produce)
  • Stiles is pretty much the best character ever ever...
  • ...apart from maybe Melissa McCall who is the best onscreen mother ever and I love how she is flawed but her love for Scott comes through so strongly and she's allowed to be suave and sexy and fuck-up and everything, and when she punishes Scott by saying 'no Stiles' I was screaming in joy.
  • I was on the bus at the time (I coded all the episodes for my PSP.)
  • It was awkward. I regret nothing.
  • Stiles' dad is also amazing when is he going to find out WHEN.
  • J.R. Bourne what are you doing in something and not sucking.
  • Allison's S2 BAMFHBIC breakdown was awesome.
  • I like Isaac but he's going to get in the way of the perf Scott and Stiles bromance. >:[ NOPE.
  • Danny is awesome. I laugh at all of his scenes. ALL OF THEM.
  • Especially the Miguel scene omglol.
  • AND COACH. COACH I LOVE YOU COACH. When he quoted Independence Day I almost screamed again.
  • The Kanima storyline in season 2 - I was initially super disappointed (because they didn't red herring Lydia very well as the kanima, it was all heavy-handed) but that led to the Matt reveal working super well (laying the trail to Gerard) which I totally didn't see coming. The episode when Matt dies is amazing, identity porn reveal of my heeaaarrrt.
  • Lydia is great! and complicated. And Allison being groomed as a hunter leader. And Melissa. And the sexy enigmatic french tutor/guidance counsellor/watcher. THIS IS HOW YOU DO LADIES. LET'S HAVE MORE. I have heard Erica isn't coming back, though? What is that about. D: MORE LADIES PLEASE.
  • I want all the fic (keep the recs coming! you know who you are ♥) and watching Season 3 week by week is going to be painful because seeing season 1 and 2 so quickly has spoiled me so badly. Thank goodness there is so much backlog of fic to read.
  • If Peter was brought back will/can Laura be brought back or is that why hunters saw them in half?
  • (Could Allison's mom come back too?)
  • Basically yes I don't quite get how Peter came back except for mirrors reflecting moonlight? I might have missed something THERE WAS A LOT HAPPENING THERE AT THE END.
  • Ugh Gerard will be back eww don't come back Gerard.
  • Teen Wolf has already incepted me. Runaway Bride came on TV and I was like "why are they playing football WHERE IS THE LACROSSE."
  • dskas;ldksa;dk;askd;as;lkla;sk
  • Isaac being able to control his wolf was an excellent scene. I liked that one a lot. BUT YOU ARE GOING TO CAUSE TROUBLE ISAAC. DON'T TAKE SCOTT FROM STILES ISAAC. NOPE.
  • Also I want Stiles' Drag Queen friends to be a THING FOREVER.

stiles is the best, addy's awesome list of awesome, melissa mccall you are flawless, squee, teen wolf

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