Feb 18, 2012 16:02

So, I end up doing a ton of memes and fic challenges and sign-ups and swaps and it would be so much easier if people had a resource post to come to and know what I'm comfortable with, what I don't mind writing, or to rec me new shows or whatever and know for sure I'm not already a big fan.

SO. Under the cut are my fandoms divided up into:

the ones I'm super addicted to at the moment. This section will change monthly because I AM ALWAYS CHANGING MY MIND/FANDOM. ;____; Oops. You can pretty much assume I am 100% au fait with canon and characterisations in this section.

fandoms you could give me a fic prompt and I'd probably be a-OK without having to re-check the source material or wikipedia. These are fandoms I'm comfortable talking about and comfortable with pretty much all the characters.

fandoms I might have been in before for a while, or fandoms I know 100% canon but I've never written, or fandoms I'm just pretty sure I'd be okay writing. A fic in this category might take a little longer than a comfortable one, but I'm pretty okay writing in these ones or talking about them.

RE-something REQUIRED:
so these are fandoms I still love but I might need wikipedia open if I'm writing about it, or a re-watch might be in order.





RE-something REQUIRED:

So. Questions, flist! Or new potential LJ friends!:
  • These are just the fandoms I've thought of off the top of my head. Have you seen me in another fandom? Do you think there's something obvious that I've forgotten? Please remind me! I've missed a ton of movies that I'll write fic for - so prod me!
  • Something I haven't seen that you think I'll like? Rec it to me!
  • Something you've always wanted fic of that's on my list? Prompt! My writing schedule is pretty full up for the next four months, alas, but after that... I might come look at this post to pick up any prompts. I apparently have learned how to crossover fics \o/ so feel free to request crossovers. <3 (Just bear in mind it'll probably be summer before you get the fic. :D)
  • Any fandom on here you'd like to know more about that you haven't heard of/are interested in - just ask! I love to recruit new fans. <3
  • Any fandom that we share that you didn't know we shared? :)

all of the fandoms, adhd, graphics heavy

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