an update =)

Jul 11, 2004 18:54

Well I haven't made a real update in awhile so I figured why not do that now LoL*
Not much as really been going on here lately I don't suppose. Crystal is back from the beach...yay! LoL*
She came over on Friday during the day and we hung out for awhile. Then that night we decided to go out to Johnson City for a little while. I didn't have the best time in the world, but oh well. It was alright, I guess. We didn't get in until kind of late so as soon as got home we just sort of crashed. Yesterday morning Crystal got up and dropped me off here at my house.
I talked to Kim yesterday. I always seem to feel a little better after having a long talk with her.
We always seem to go through so many similar problems so it is nice talking to someone who actually can see exactly where I am coming from...ya know? And Kim, again I wanted to tell you I am so glad you are happy again. You completely deserve it. I wish you and Joey nothing but the very best of luck. Take things slow and I am sure everything will work out fine. =)
Anyway, Whitney called me yesterday and I ended up making plans to go out with her and Michelle. We went out to Johnson City too. I had a little better time last night, I guess. Whitney and I ended up chillen in the hot tub. Michelle didn't wanna get in LoL* It was SO relaxing. I hadn't been in a hot tub in awhile. It was nice! =) I ended up staying up pretty late again last night so I came home today and took me a little nap. I feel a little better. I am still a little tired, but oh well. I haven't really done much at all today. I have just been relaxing and watching some lifetime movies, LoL* I know, how corny! but hey those lifetime movies can be alright...LoL*
Anyway, in general life has been alright. Things are going a little better for me. It has offically been 5 months since Will and I broke up. I must admit I have came along way from then to now. That is always a good thing. I don't do all the crying I did in the beginning of the break up. I mean I still miss him sometimes, but only because he really meant something to me, ya know? I don't see how he got over it so fast. Either he just got lucky and got over me fast, or he just pretended to be over me at first, who knows? Oh well, not important.
Well, I think I can go ahead and say this...
I have been talking to someone from my past again.
I don't really want to bring names and all that stuff into my journal right now. I just don't think it is time to do all that right now. I'll just keep ya wondering LoL* =) I dunno, he came in and saw me and he ended up spending a lot of time with me and it made me miss certain things. To be honest, I am quite confused about the entire situation. I know this person genuinely (sp?) loves me and has never stopped loving me the entire time. That just makes me say...w0w, ya know? It is all kind of breathtaking. I mean I have moved off and everything and came back and this guy has only thought of me and how much he loved me the whole time. *sighs* It is kind of a rush...
There is just a lot of, can I put this?
There is just a lot of *speed bumps* to get over if I want to be with him. I know that isn't the best way of putting it, but I couldn't seem to think of the right word for it. It's just he is in the marines and all and that would be rough on the relationship. Him being in the marines is a big speed bump, ya know?
He comes in for maybe for weeks at a time, but only every so many months or something. I guess only time will tell. If it is meant to be then it will be, I guess. I just wish I wasn't so confused about it all.
*shrugs* Anyway, I'm out...leave me some sweet comments! =)
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