After reading the writer's blog and getting this comment:
Know what else isn’t? Meredith and Derek. And that’s all I’m going to say. Because saying anything else would get me fired. Besides, you actually don’t want to know. If you’re like me you watch TV because it’s enjoyable and surprising. Telling you anything more will just take away from your own personal enjoyment of a story. (How’s that for playing coy?)
And what Derek said in the premiere:
"She gives me sex. Especially when I'm wounded."
AND what Shonda said about the SP:
"All the clues for this season are right there. Each line of dialouge has a purpose." (Or something like that. I'm writing this off of memory. :P)
AND AND...Rose said this:
"I'm carrying your child, Derek."
I got to thinking about these things. Last night we saw Derek totally fall apart. Totally. Fall. Apart. AND, Mer was there for him in the best way she could be- with tequila
therapy. So, I came up with this theory, and I maybe totally off...but I wanted to see what the rest of you all think.
Derek is "wounded." Well when you pair that with what he said in the season premiere, Mer's going to give him sex. Plain and simple. But, I think this "wounded" period is going to drag out for a couple of episodes. Since the husband called Derek a murderer last night, I think that this will stick with Derek for a while.
So this is where Shonda's comment comes into play. All of the dialouge from the SP has a purpose. A very specific purpose. So, my brain got to thinking this morning (which was a miracle, since I went to bed late last night and had to get up early this morning) that something HUGE is happening for MerDer. Not just the engagement. But something else. (I'm sure by now you are catching on.)
The writer's blog confused me at first, but then I got to thinking about it. It sounds like a big surprise is coming up for MerDer (I don't believe that they will break up. I mean for god's sake, Derek has a ring and Mer is so strong and is there for him.) Like a big a baby. Yes, I said it. I believe a MerDer baby is coming up at season's end. Because Rose said that she is carrying Derek's child (foreshadowing and Shonda's comment) and Mer was talking about babies two episodes ago. PLUS I bet you Mer and Der have some sexcapades coming up, due to the fact that he is so broken....
So that's what I see coming up. I don't think that they are going to break up (or else Shonda is going to have a lot of angry fans) but that we are going to get a huge suprise along with the proposal.
I know I maybe totally off, but I think the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together.