Sep 09, 2005 17:52
Iknow, my posts are becoming way to infrequent, but then again, i don't have much of a life now. So, now I have been a full time finance director for two weeks, and man am i busy. I got to work today at 7:30 and I haven't left yet, my life is so busy right now. But it is AWESOME, I am getting some great experience, and people in politics are slowly learning my name. Before long, i will be running a national campaign. The plan is to run Barack Obama's bid for the presidency in 2012 or 2016, i could do it right???? Why him you may ask, only because i think is the BEST shot a democrat has to winning the presidency out of any politician out there, so i am super stoked about him in the future, wow i really am a political nerd, but i KNOW neil loves it.
This weekend i am going to columbia to go to Sarah Franklin's wedding. man who ever thought her and devoto would actually tie the knot, and here they are doing it tomorrow, it is so crazy. but i am really excited to see all of my phi delt's that i have lost contact with over the years, should be a drunken good time, totally stoked here.
So, i finally went out on a date in St. Louis with a person i didn't know before, how crazy for me. it was weird, i was at a bar with work people, and started talking to this guy while i was getting a drink, he got my phone number, called me a couple of days later and we went to dinner. I was really nervous, cuz, i dont know this guy, he could turn out to be a mass murderer for all iknow, but it ended up being a pretty ok night. granted there weren't any sparks, and i don't think i will go out with him again, even though he has called, i just give myself a big pat on the back for going out with a stranger. i forget that this is what happens in the real world, and dammit carrie on sex in the city went out with strangers, so could i. And no, i didn't get any, nor did i try, i am a LADY. neil, ashley, and neuner, i just heard you say, LADY MY ASS to yourself, and frankly, i don't appreciate it. hahahahaahahah.
Will post after wedding and tell you all about my debauchery. love ya