Tax Free Weekend

Aug 19, 2007 00:12

Please note this is me bitching about work:

This was the first time I had ever worked on tax free weekend all i have to say is...why? Not why to work, but whats the huge appeal of it all? You save like eight bucks if you spend over one hundred. JCP has deals like that all the time, so why was it that it was pratically day after thanksgiving than? The clearance tables were a total wreck, missing shoes and boxs, than five people at once telling me to get differnt shoes in all sorts of sizes. They couldn't wait their turn, like some customer would go back and steal their exact shoe from the stockroom that they needed or something. Did I mention the work schedual I had today? Oh it was from 6:30am till 5pm. Please also take in the fact that I had to drive an hour to get there. And I didn't get a break until 2:30pm. Yes thats right, eight hours within the shift.

My commision better kick ass, thats all I have to say.

Sorry, had to get all that out.

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