Jul 28, 2005 19:48
Lots has happened since I last updated, but I'll start with the amazing news, which is that Leesa and I got DELAWARE HALL for our residence. It's perfect. I'm so pumped. To make it even better, my friend Kyle got it too, yay! The rest of the ppl I know at UWO are at different residences, but that's ok...campus isn't THAT big, we'll still see each other. And we'll have an older person club, right kelcie? Right. That's by far the highlight of my week, cuz it means the year ahead will be great.
While we're on the topic, I got my frosh schedule. It's exciting. Sam Roberts. Foam. Hot Air Ballon Rides (this is the one that gets me). I can't wait. Oh the fun to come.
Today was my last day at work. I'll miss some people there. Some. It's good to know Ill get to be lazy for the next 9 months.
Oh yeah, I'm leaving on a jet plane in seven days...I'm in packing mode right now...both for Colombia and for Western, cuz I'll only have two days before I move into rez after I get back- NOT enough to get everything ready, so I have to get ready now.
This weekend looks promising. Tomorrow I get to go to IKEA with mum. I love that place. Then Adam gets here..hotel party for Rory's birthday, always a good time...see some ppl I haven't seen in a while. Then Saturday is shopping day with Adam and mom. Then Sunday is relaxing day or something that's still undecided. Finally Monday is beach day, which is exhilirating. (I woulda gone on Saturday Mel but I promised my mom I'd go shopping...plus Toronto will be nuts because of Caribana, but I'm sure you already knew that =P.) Then Tuesday I go to Wonderland with Leesa. Then Wednesday I get ready for Colombia. Then Thursday I leave for Colombia. Woo Hoo! [Leesa (and whoever else is interested): you BETTER come over Wednesday night to say goodbye!]
I'll be back September 2 if anyone cares. Whoever wants to come and say some "sober goodbyes" and roll down a grassy hill is welcome to come that night...
Till then. (Unless I get bored and update before)