Jul 21, 2003 17:19
Class sucked major today. We had a Library Orientaion and i swear the lady talking to us was retarted. We each had our own computer and she was taking us through this ERIC thing that was pretty self explanitory. Just type in what u are looking for and then click search. She was just gettin way to into it, but whatever. I got my test back...94% yeah liz! I got 100% on my first one so i think i have an A for sure. I'm gonna try really hard to make the Dean's List this year. I got most of my books today for the fall. I had to get all this random stuff for my psychology class like juggling balls, clay, colored pencils, and construction paper!! I felt like i was shopping for kindergarten again! *haha* I guess that class will be fun. I have a lot of papers due monday so im gonna work on gettin them done by the end of this week so i can spend more time with Pat.
I'm reading this book, "Daddy's Little Girl" by Mary Higgins Clark. It is so good, i can't put it down!
It's raining now, a perfect time for reading... TTYL
<3 Lizzy