May 16, 2003 00:35
i dont even remember the last time i wrote in this thing!! tonight was the baccalureate (spelling?) mass and dinner. i thought everything was really nice, except for the gay slide show. the showed the same people over and over again! thank god i didnt buy a copy of it. all this graduation stuff still has not hit me. i mean tonight was a really big deal and it just didnt seem like it. i dont even know if i'm even gonna feel that sad at graduation. i guess i know i still have a while to be with my good friends and this isnt the end yet. tomorrow we have practice at barbara b. mann at 1:00. thats gonna suck b/c we're gonna be there forever. on another subject, i finally got a new car. its a silver corolla s. dont u just love that new car smell. i had to wash it today for the first time b/c of some guys in black who wrote all over them last night. gee i wonder who it was. i also got home this morning and my house was covered in tp! i had to clean all the crap up myslef this morning. what a biotch!! well my eyes are gettin heavy~