soo happy new year?
yeah right! ... so i got a MIP, so did tom... kyle mahoney... ace... and tyler
im OVER IT!..
im guessing my licsens is gonna be gone, who cares my car sucks anyways.
and probation.. i dont smoke weed anyways. lol
honestly thats the only thing that fucks with you on probation.
and thats def sumthing everyone should grow out of.
i have no clue how probation works when ur 18 though?
i only blew a .012 which is like barely one beer... o geez
like i said im over it.
1. did you have a new year's resolution this year? noo way.. those are so overrated
2. Who kissed you at midnight? no one.. shoulda ben tom but the cops got to me before midnight =/
3. does it snow where you live? yess.
4. do you like hot chocolate? who doesnt
5. have you ever been to times square to watch the ball drop? noooo
6. Best thing about January? mmm... just an excuse for a new start, i guess i fucked that up this year LOL
1. who was your valentine in 2005? well tommy.. we watched the Notebook of course
2. what did your valentine get you? mmm.. we wernt dating yet, but i remember a kiss and a promise
3. when you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class? oh geez.. mine had to be the best! and they were
4. Best thing about February? valentines day.. i mean, inless ur boyfriennd is in love with another girl. lol
5. Worst thing about Febuary? lost my sister.. it was a tough month.
1. are you Irish? nooo... boyfriend is though
2. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day? duh.. got to be festive
3. what did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2005? drank.. duh
4. Best thing about March? March 3rd... when i let tommy in my life =)
1. Do you like the rain? uhm i love to play in rain, but april is like cold rain so i geuss not
2. Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year? uhh mm ... yes on tom lol.. i told him i was pregnent or sumthing LMAO
3. do you get tons of candy on easter? of course... the bunny always tries to fatten me up
4. Best thing about April? eh.. spring break
1. What's your favorite kind of flower? flower shmowler... who cares
2. Do you like the spring? its a step closer to summer...
3. Finish the phrase, best thing about may: end of school.. almost
4. What would you think of as a spring color? yellow. light pink.. light blue..
5. what was the best thing about May? la la la la.. i dunno it was may
1. Did you get sunburned? i just tannnnn..
2. Did you go on any vacations last June? mm nope
3. Best thing about June? hangin gout with my boyfirend
1. What did you do on the 4th of July? you'd think id remember.. but nope
3. did you go on any vacations during this month? iii think we went up to Ludington.. the very end into augest with TOM and my family
4. Best thing about July? uhhhh.. its summer, duh!
1. did you do anything special to end off your summer? oh partied hard
2. what was your favorite summer memory of '05? mm ludington with tom... everything with tom, I LOVE TOM
3. do you go swimming a lot in the summer? psh, YES
4. do you go to the beach a lot? of course who doesnt love the beach
5. Best thing about August? mmm EvErYtHInG iS SwEeT iN ThE sUmMEr
1. Did you attend school/college in '05? SeNiOr BiTcHeS
2. who is/was your favorite teacher/professor? this year?.. eh not a favorite, but last year Mrs. Chiodini <3
3. do you like fall better than summer? uhmmm .. r u kidding me, summer ahnds down.
4. Best thing about September? i thinki got my licsens.. lol finally. but this year was really tough too alot of people passed away. =/
1. what was your favorite halloween costume ever? the.. PRIEST lol
2. what's your favorite candy? omg.. NOW AND LATERS, and bubble gum
3. what did you dress up like this year? didnt .. guess im jsut too coooollll... lol
4. Best thing about October? homecoming
1. whose house do you usually go to for thanksgiving? well mine of course
2. Do you like stuffing? naw... well "meat stuffing"
3. what are you thankful for? happiness... when in effect
4. Best thing about November? My BiRtHdAy. DUH!
1. do you celebrate christmas? YES.
2. what do you want this year for christmas? welll... not much, just some clothes
3. what's the best present you ever got for Christmas? well this GORGEOUS, $$350.. white gold, princess cut diamond ring FROM TOM
4. do you like cold weather? mmm nope not realllly
5. best part of december? christmas
6. what do you like to do in decemer? cuddle up and go out to eat and stay in with the boyfriend and watch movies and wrestle and be in love
7. How would u rate your 05? losing my sister made it the worst year, i cant really rate it