Much-needed update.

Oct 28, 2008 15:08

It's been quite hectic lately, so I haven't had much chance to update.  I'm all moved into the new Lowell apartment with Joud, and we're taking our time getting settled in.  Many boxes, so much to put away, but it's alright because this time we know it's home.  Anyway, so here's a quick update from the last few days that I missed:

Thursday, October 23, 2008:
Finally had the car all registered and insured, so Joud was going to pick me up from work.  Unfortunately, right when he hit the highway, the spring on the transmission failed and all of our transmission fluid hit the asphalt.  I had already missed my train home, so I had to ask Kate to come rescue me from work.  I was not a happy camper.

Friday, October 24, 2008:
I worked from home in Cambridge and then after, Joud brought the newly-fixed car and took me away to Lowell.  On the way there, I drove, and had a bit of a panic attack at merging, which I didn't think would happen.  The accident was back in August, and I didn't think it had effected me so much, but I was wrong.  I'm working through the fears, but it won't happen quickly.  I got to sleep in my new apartment.

Saturday, October 25, 2008:
Joud's sister held a Halloween party so we went there that night.  It was pretty fun, if a little on the "normal" side.  Joud dressed as some sort of Ren-faire gentleman and I went as a gypsy fortune-teller.  Joud thinks I cheated because I *am* a fortune-teller, but I think he's just jealous that I look better in a skirt.

Sunday, October 26, 2008:
Couch shopping.  We went to Bob's Furniture in Lowell, and after much himming and hawing, Joud and I finally chose a couch (brown microfiber with two recliners) and a set of tables.  Both me and him wanted to keep making sacrifices in choice for the other.  It would have been cute if I hadn't been so flustered.

Monday, October 27, 2008:
First day driving to work.  I got majorly lost on the way in and ended up being an hour late, which I got yelled at for.  Not much I could do, but at least I know the way in now and won't get lost again.

I got my car inspected and found out it needs a new coil.  It failed.  ARG.  I really like the little car, but it's getting to the point that this one either gets fixed or I have to go get another.

family, annoyances, moving, car, work, furniture

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