Someone stop the seasons, I want to get off now.

Sep 29, 2008 16:12

I am not a cold-weather person.  I get along with cold weather about as much as I get along with Bible-thumpers and if you know anything about me at all, you will know how volatile that kind of combination can be.  I detest frost, falling leaves, brown grass, and do not even get me started on how much I loathe the snow.  Snow is my arch-enemy, hands down.  I keep checking the daily weather to see the average slowly, slowly dropping, and it seriously depresses me.

In different news, I'm looking for a carpool at work, hoping I can find one in time for the move, otherwise I'll be staying with Kate a bit longer until I can get some wheels.  I could fix the car I still have up in Maine but I find myself not wanting to deal with manual shifting just yet.

annoyances, winter, car, fall, work

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