Apr 27, 2011 14:58
I am an an "After the Essay" high. If I had a cigarette and lung cancer didn't exist, I'd smoke it. Not that finishing this essay is as pleasant as having sex (though in some ways, it may actually be as unpleasant as having sex, but let's not get into that). Rather, I (personally, singularly, as in speaking from personal experience) feel the same satisfaction that one may feel after engaging in sexual intercourse (or how I would imagine one would feel after having good sex, what with my being a very perverted but virginal virgin).
I finished my essay about 2:35 LIKE A BOSS, booked it to my professor's office to deliver it to her LIKE A BOSS, personally handed it over to her LIKE A BOSS, and strolled my way back to the library where I am now writing this journal entry like... and here it comes... LIKE A BOSS. XD In real life, I don't actually say "like a boss" a lot, but I do have a friend who tends to say it rather often. Oh, did I mention that I had to get it in by 3:00? Yah, I know, I hella cut it close. ...Well, maybe not hella close but close enough to be uncomfortable.
I think I did pretty well. I'm not sure if I did it ALL correctly, but.. ehh, I think I did pretty well. I'm pretty sure that my paper will be unique, because again, I'm pretty sure that everyone did their analysis on "The Female American" (by alias Unca Eliza Winkfield) and not "Bartleby, the Scrivener" (by Herman Melville (which is the one I did)). We did study "The Female American" more than we did "Bartleby" buuut, I liked "Bartleby" more than "Female American." That's why I wrote about it.
It wasn't easy though. Nope. Not even a little bit. I honestly had no idea what I was going to write about. So, I just kinda put on my critical thinking glasses and RAPED THE STORY. Like, I hella scribbled everrrrrrrrrywhere. Questions, comments, thoughs, whatever I was thinking, whatever I thought was important. Pen and highlighter EVERYWHERE. I also looked it up on wikipedia so that I would have more of an idea about what I was reading. Oh, and I read a scholarly article about it.
All in all, I am feeling pretty accomplished right now. Now, to obtain some victory sustenance. XD
bartleby the scrivener,
herman melville,
the female american,
school life,
unca eliza winkfield,
literary analysis