Oct 17, 2004 17:49
Hello all. I hope you've all been doing well, as I am currently battling some plague-like infection. I sound like a chain smoker with emphysema and I'm shivering as though I am in the fucking Arctic Circle. Damn that flu vaccine shortage. If only I was 60 years older or 15 years younger...oh well.
So, here is the story to end all stories, the tale to end all tales, the...well you get the idea...
Last night, me and a certain someone were at an undisclosed location in his vehicle. We were doing uhm...stuff...invloving girl parts and boys parts...but not all girl and boy parts, you know? Anyways...so it's dark as shit out, and we're in his backseat and the windows are steamy as hell. Articles of clothing are removed, you know how the story goes...and all of a sudden...
We see those fabulous auroras that we commonly know as lights on a cop car approach us. We're scrambling to get our clothes back on and the damn police officer comes up to the car and says his license and registration bit. The po-po calls me out of the car and tells me that it is dangerous to be there with a guy that late, "He's quite a bit older that you are. He could try something on you, you know?"
Yeah, yeah, asshole, I know. So the pig talks to my SO, tells him all about the dangers of being involved with jailbait such as myself, (which isn't really true. In NJ, I am of the legal consenting age, so there!!) and demands that he take me home right away. Thank God he let us go with just a warning and a ticket for being parked on public property after dark. But you know what, I would do it ALL over again because... I'm just horny like that :D And also, because Billy, you asshole, I love you :D
*P.S.- Anna Morse, I hope you choke on a diseased penis and die.*