Bless me... Hello all. Zee Coco is sick which means that zee Coco is unhappy. I owe it all to the sickly bastards at school who feel it necessary to hack up their lungs on the back of my neck at every given second. Thank you. All of you. Cover up your damn STD infested mouths, please.
I looked at my user info today and saw that a BAGILLION new people had added me to their friends list cause I am just the baddest bitch. I am also the laziest bitch and I don't want to put forth the time nor the effort to see who I have not yet added. So comment here to let me know that you exist, and I'll see what I can do :D
**OH!! Everyone please go join
__thealmightys . It is a splendiferous community that I am apart of and you are are so cool that you should join too!!
Do it. Beacuse you love me. And I love you <3