"Wanna go to a banging party, yo?"

Aug 20, 2004 07:38

Hello all. Pulled yet another all nighter, it's becoming a terrible habit...but oh well :P

Very brief recap of my week: Shopped, slept over Jenn's, ate good food, talked on the phone to God..slept, shopped, ate and talked some more...oh yeah, I have a job now :D

Some of the absolute coolest fucking commercials have been coming out lately. Most are better than the actual show that they interuppt... I have actually started watching tv for the commercials...the only exceptions are Big Brother and the olympics...good lord, those male swimmers... mmmmmm..anyway...

Yeah, one of the cool commercials that I am talking about is the one for some new cell phone, I believe. The people sing their conversations... in one they are talking about chicken sounding delicious or something..all I know is that the guy in that one is funny...he makes me chuckle, not laugh, chuckle.

Those Kid's Bop commercials are also pretty amusing, it all depends on what mood I'm in while watching it. Half the time I have the strangest urge to reach into the television and strangle each and every one of those retarded little bastards who continuously ruin perfectly good songs. The rest of the time I end up laughing hysterically at them and making fun of how ridiculous they look on my television...once the initial stage of amusement is over, THATS when I feel like reaching into the screen and killing the children of the corn.

And lastly, those damn commercials with the old people in them trying to talk "hip"... they crack me the hell up every damn time. The one with the old white lady is funnier than the one with the old black lady, though. I think that the black lady is too good at the ebonics so it isn't as funny. I love old folks. I would like to adopt one... Someone, please, buy me one...I'll pay you back...

Ok, I'm hungry now so I do believe that I will go eat some chicken and get ready for my doctors appointment and very busy day...A tout a l'heure.

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