Mar 12, 2005 22:01
I got an email today asking if I wanted an anal blowjob, that was interesting.
It is really nice being able to sleep in. Today was a really lazy day for me, just watched a bunch of tv and movies. Watched the movie Cowboys and Angels, which is about these two Irish guys, one is gay, the other is straight. Then watched part of this really bad movie called Happy Birthday. Maybe it would have picked up if I had finished watching it. So I finally finished watching Angels In America. It is such an awesome movie, if you guys haven't seen it before, you really should, and don't use the argument, "But Jake, its a six hour movie!!!" because I know that the people that will make that argument are the ones that wanted to have a Lord of the Rings movie marathon, and that is no better! So I should have done some homework today though. I'll cram it all in tomorrow though, somehow, and maybe Monday morning too. I'm going to go to the library tomorrow to see if I can find a book about Dr. I. King Jordan, I think that is his name, but I always mess it up. Anyways, I need a book about this fellow so I can write a paper for my psychology paper that I have to have in by 10 am Monday morning. Hmmm, I shouldn't forget to pick up a test bag for psychology either. Then I have to do all my ASL homework too, that should be fun, and somewhat easier. I will probably skip two of the projects for that class, and still be able to pull a B out of the class. But people should start making arrangements to hang out with me for spring break now, because I can tell y'all that I already have a lot of plans for break. So call me, or email me or something, especially you Alisha. I don't really care at this point if we go to ECS, I just want to hang out. Others include, but are not limited too: Ananda, I promised you an evening at Beth's after GLOBE. Elspeth, when are you getting up here? If you get up here early enough that Wednesday, do you want to go down to Beth's with a group of people? Beth's is a cafe in Seattle by the way. Oh, and it would roughly include people that were here for Thanksgiving, but there would be others from GLOBE. Don't know if you would really want to rush around like that though... How long will you be up here anyways? Stephen, I have not seen you in eons. That should be remedied if possible. Kassie, we've been threating a movie since Alexander, but it hasn't happened yet. Other Kassie, would you like to do something? Nova, if you are reading this, I think I once threatened to hang out with you, and am still interested in doing so. Chris, you wanted to hang out, but that was quite some time ago, would you still like to? If you are not mentioned, but wish to do something, I'm sorry I did not mention you, but feel free to call me and we can do something. Or we can just talk on the phone, that is always nice too. Just don't call tonight. Or do call tonight, whatever. Just know that my cell phone is completely dead tonight and I have no way of charging it until Monday morning, as I have lost my wall charger, and the only charger I have is my mothers car charger, thus, I will not be able to answer my phone tonight and possibly tomorrow, unless I go somewhere tomorrow in my mothers car. Call me at home though tomorrow if you want, does everybody have that number? If not, message me and we'll take care of that.
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