(no subject)

May 16, 2007 22:56

Klein Sexual Orientation Grid

I scored an average of 5.29

01 2 3 4 5
This result can also be related to the Kinsey Scale:

0 = exclusively heterosexual
1 = predominantly heterosexual, incidentally homosexual
2 = predominantly heterosexual, but more
than incidentally homosexual
3 = equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 = predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally
5 = predominantly homosexual, incidentally heterosexual
6 = exclusively homosexual


The idea of this excercise is to understand exactly how dynamic a person's sexual orientation can be, as well as how fluid it can be over a person's lifespan. While a person's number of actual homo/heterosexual encounters may be easy to categorize, their actual orientation may be completely different. Simple labels like "homosexual", "heterosexual", and "bisexual" need not be the only three options available to us.

Take the quiz

I took this quiz out of pure curiosity, and I think I got the score I did mostly because I have "social preferences" of both sexes. I'm not sure how liking to hang out with both sexes makes me more or less gay, but whatever. Also noted that I had mostly same-sex attractions in the past, so I dunno. Whatever. This doesn't exactly shatter my perception of my sexuality, but this quiz was just something to simply do.

ridiculous little quizzess, g is for gay, gay-ness

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