Oct 16, 2006 13:48
Well, congratulations to all the sickness germs out there, you finally got me sick!!! I was actually starting to think that I wouldn't get sick. But no, I did... Which sucks. I'm mostly nauseous, but my nose is also leaking slight amounts fluid. I also felt like I had a fever when I woke up, but I can't find a thermometer to check that hypothesis. Also, my kitchen sucks. There is no soup to be found anywhere. It is the only thing that sounds good, and there isn't any. So I'm eating toast instead because it was the only thing I had enough energy for to make, and although it is surprisingly good, it is not, however, the hot liquidy goodness of soup. I have a doctors appointment at 4:20 (for something completely unrelated), so maybe when I'm done with that I'll go get some soup.