May 22, 2010 23:00


Ryo just look confusedly at his best friends who keeps on gulping all of those alcohols like it was simply H2O. As he saw the PDA of KameDa pairs, he cannot stop himself from condemning them silently. He hates it how both of them always showing off their love in front of others without a shame. ‘Stupid Hime. Go find a room if you too horny.’

Choosing to ignore them, he decides to sing a song since he has been the audience like forever. He just randomly chooses a song and it happens to be a song called “Code”.  As he start to sing, everyone eyes were fixed on him. His melancholic voice struck their heart and with the sweet and simple lyrics which coincidently fit some of their situation now made their heart sway. Each of them was looking at their special person.

The proof of you advancing
one or two steps further than me
Has been etched like an embossed carving
which has broken the silence
I see you laughing loudly at someone else's jokes
as if you're enjoying yourself,
but it's all an act
But because I want to see your smile,
I swallow my words down

Tatsuya could not believes his ears, listening to those husky voice contently as if the song is sincerely from the bottom of a guy heart as arrogant as Ryo. Ryo’s character that he always showed when they are together does not suit with his melodic voice right now. A voice full of passions and feeling are totally not Ryo’s.

For me who wants more than what I have now
Am I like a kid
who knows nothing about the world?
Am I being admonished for waiting
for something to be given to me
rather than pursuing it for myself?
It's fine even if there's a constraint
such as "there is no such thing as 'eternity'"
I'd still want the both of us to shine
Even if it's only for an instant

I'll show you that I can protect
all the elements that make you you
No matter what happens, I'll be by your side
I'll snatch all the elements
of your sadness away
So believe a little bit more in love
In love, in love

The overflowing words that I boldly said
Should have been "I love you"
But once again the instructions
from my brain unconsciously
Turned it into a code
that is mine and mine alone

If I wear my feelings upon my sleeve
Will there be a day when
these feelings will reach you?
Will I be someone that you can boast
about to someone else?
Because you're here
It feels as though anything can come true
So my love will reach you won't it?
My love will...

I'll show you that I can protect
all the elements that make you you
No matter what happens, I'll be by your side
I'll snatch all the elements
of your sadness away
With all the love [that I have]
All the love I have

Everybody were clapping their hands as soon as Ryo finished his song. Move by the song, Yuichi quickly take his turn to sing to his beloved boyfriend.

“Jaa…Kou-chan, kiete kudasai.. My weather!”

Koki looks at his lover while smiling like a mad man and quickly jump to hug Yuichi right after the song end. This has caused a loud cheer for them. The loudest cheer came from three drunken man - Akanishi Jin, Yamashita Tomohisa and Kamenashi Kazuya! Unconsciously, they have been drinking nonstop since the last one hour. Kazuya keeps on stealing drinks from his brother’s hand each time Tadayoshi give Tatsuya drinks. And now he’s drinking Martini that he steal from Subaru-kun and giggling happily at the dumb face of that man.

Jin is trying hard to stand straight as he grabs the mic which has been lying lonely on the table. He drunkenly walks in the middle of the room to start singing. Kazuya is cheering happily at his master first appearance of the night forgetting that he’s supposed to still be mad at Jin.

“Yay! Go for it, Master!!! Whoahoo!!” Tatsuya, Yuichi and Koki turn their head and giving Kazuya weird looks at who has been clapping his hand nonstop. Their then confusedly look at each other and just shrugged their shoulder. Well, it’s better to see a happy Kazuya rather than dealing with Super-Bitchy-Whining Kazuya.

Jin sends a sweet smile to Kazuya as he starts to sing  Moonlight.


Let me tell the story? There's this hot girl here

She's drinking martini alone, the situation is good for me

Even if she tries to seem kind of chic in an uptown bar

She can't quite hide her true loneliness

Do you wanna drink something more? Tell me, girl

The more I look at you, the more beautiful you are, girl

Just a little bit is fine, come close to me, girl

Jin signaling Kazuya to come closer to him and Kazuya happily accomplices his master. He was dancing seductively with Jin in the middle of the room while the others were looking at them with their jaws dropped to the floor.

Right, shall I be caught? Trap of love or trick of love

I wanna fly with you, because I could fly alone anytime

We gonna go outside, I cannot wait, I can't wait that long

Let me hear your story, what kind of bad man had you met?

Kazuya is pointing his finger to Tadayoshi while pouting childishly, as if he is telling Jin that Tadayoshi is the bad man.

Let me know that I wanna see you smile as soon as possible

Even if the world is my enemy, I feel like I could protect you

I wouldn't pass you over to anyone, I wanna be your hero

As hearing those lyrics, Kazuya smile happily and hug his Master tightly and both of them were dancing happily together.

Do you wanna drink something more? Tell me, girl

nod~~ nod~~

Each time our eyes meet, beautiful girl

It's about time you start trusting me, come close to me, girl

Right, shall I be caught? Trap of love or trick of love

I wanna fly with you, because I could fly alone anytime

We gonna go outside, I cannot wait, I can't wait that long

The beautiful moonlight shines through

Isn't this situation kind of special?

We move to the dance floor

Entrust everything to me tonight

I wanna take you to a luz da la luna

I wanna fly with you, because I could fly alone anytime

We gonna go outside, I cannot wait, I can't wait that long

The song is finish with AkaKame pair standing like Titanic scene, acting as if they’re flying while giggling like crazy. Tatsuya quickly pulls his brother away from Jin and send Jin a death glare. However this has caused Kazuya to whine and pout. But soon those whining stop as Kazuya falls asleep with his head on his brother’s shoulder. Jin does not wants to lose to Tatsuya in showing his affection towards the said turtle, wrapping Kazuya body with his jacket. Soon, Jin too falls asleep just beside Kazuya. As the two devils sleep soundly, the rest of them continue to enjoy their selves as night crawling to the dawn.

Tatsuya and other still deep in slumber when Kanjani wake up and prepare to leave. Only You and Ryo have already woke up by then. Silently, Tadayoshi sits besides Tatsuya looking at the pretty sleeping face. He reluctantly to go back to their hometown knowing it will be hard to see Tatsuya again. He wrote a note and placed them in Tatsuya wallet before sweetly bends to kiss the guy who has stolen his heart.
“Take care, Tatsuya. I’ll miss you,” he whispers silently at Tatsuya ears.

Tatsuya tries to avoid Tadayoshi’s hot breath as it tickling his ear and making cute face as he falls into deeper slumber. Tadayoshi smiles at the cuteness of Tatsuya without noticing the rest of his friends are looking at them. Ryo has an ugly frown on his face when he saw Tadayoshi’s action.

‘Why he’s so attracted to that stupid-good-for-nothing Fishlips? Can’t he see that he already has a boyfriend? Ewwhh… disgusting.. I’ll never kiss those thick lips.. So ugly..!!’Ryo cannot helps himself from making those remarks in his head.

“Tacchon, we better make a move now.. or else we’ll be missing our flight,” Shingo says in low voice not wanting to wake up others.

Tadayoshi rouse and left Tatsuya after tidying up the blanket around the slender body. He soon is joining his waiting friends at the entrance. Ryo will be sending them to the airport along with You as his cousin will fly again today for the whole week.


Tatsuya woke up with a great headache as he feels like something was hauled from him. Half awakes, he tries to ignore the raising voices around him and decides to sleep some more. With eyes closed, he wraps his arms around Kazuya only to find it empty. Then, only he is fully awakes, frantically searching for his missing brother.



Tatsuya almost shrieks loudly as he hears his brother voice from the outside of the house and found him struggling from Jin holds on him.

“Akanishi, you stupid pervert. Are you trying to kidnap Kazu? Let him go..!!STOP..!! I SAID STOPPPP…..!!!!!” angrily he rushes to the door to rescue his brother.

“Whoaa… donkey-face… What’s with the screaming? Trying to create a nuisance to this residential area??” Ryo who just arrives from the airport teases his angry slave who currently trying to wear his shoes.

“SHUT UP, MIDGET..!!” with that he tries to run after Jin and his brother who were already in the car only to be stopped by Ryo harshly.

“Where are you think you’re going, Hime?” Ryo smirk evilly as he tighten his holds on Tatsuya waist and hauled him back into the house.

“Let me go.. Let me go.. short-legs pig. He’s getting away with Kazu..,” Tatsuya struggles from Ryo iron-holds on his tiny waist.



Please leave your comment ne? I really need to know your opinion on  my fic.. Thank you for reading and commenting..



tanaka, ueda, tatsuya, kat-tun, yamapi, kame, jin, ryo, ryoda, koki, yuichi, arrogant dokkun vs. sinister hime, nishikido, akakame

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