Oct 23, 2007 22:51
Well we are down to the wire with the show. Rehearsals start in Atlanta next week which means we HAVE to have just about everything done. That means a very busy stressful week for me as I attempt to get the last of the props together. I get the joy of bringing home some sort of project at night to work on so that I can continue it in the morning. At least the fun part of washing all the costumes is done. They were disgusting. They smell like the football locker room in high school. I get to do a LOT of painting tomorrow. And everything that I am actually doing I am just making up along the way. Which is awesome on one hand because I get to be creative, however on the other hand-- having no real direction is rough. I did impress the hell outta Jason when I figured out how to fix the wheelchair! w00t! Go me! I also just found out that I might get to goto Atlanta to help with rehearsals. So thats exciting!
One good thing about being so busy this week is that I don't really have that much time to miss Austin. I got to talk to him yesterday for a good while so that was cool. He seems to be having an amazing time in Japan. I just can't wait to see the goodies he brings back for us all.
I might get to goto a hockey game Friday which makes me uber happy. I'm going home to get my winterish clothes. I get to see Kevin, and most importantly Michelle.
Now to just figure out if I am going out to a Halloween party Thursday night with the most unlikely person to find me with in Charlotte...