Yay! I get to be just like everybody else.

Mar 23, 2004 00:19

Ok, so I was feeling bored and I decided that I would begin a live journal thing. We'll see how long this lasts. Hrmmm... what to talk about..? Troy just left today to go back to school and I miss him, as cheesy as it sounds. :( He is my angel though because he brought my new computer down here, and I don't have to suffer anymore. What else? DJ is silly! He went out today and bought all this health food crap, but then along with his tofu/organic food he bought a giant chocolate cream pie. Ahh... that boy amuses me to no end. Hrmm... I have an exam in Psych tomorrow. I kind of wish I wasn't even taking that class. If I want to pursue a minor/major in Psych on top of my Business major I have to pay for the extra credits myself because the scholarship covers 124. As it is, I'm going to be graduating with extra credits since I took all these classes I didn't need to take. All of those people who told me that I didn't "need to worry" about picking a major until at least my sophomore year are full of shit. Not having an idea of what I wanted to do is going to make things a lot harder here. Tomorrow I have to get online and try to register for classes during spring/summer at Washtenaw. I'm nervous about going to another school, and especially nervous abut driving there. I really hope my car makes it everyday. I also have to sign a new lease sometime this week and Mandi and I don't even have a third roomate. Bleh. I wish that we knew more girls here that needed an apartment during the fall. Know anybody that needs a place to live? Ok well I can't think of much else. Happy stalking! :)
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