Oct 04, 2004 15:19
Yes, i may start to regret taking pharmacy... I started anatomy today and the guy went over everything super quick. He's like "I only have an hour to do the skeletal system, but it usually takes me 3hrs... so here it goes" and then Blah blah blah all very quickly. I have to read 4 damn chapters in my text book... which, buy the way, but a nice (ha!) dent in my bank account... stupid new editions. After the fun that is anatomy, i went and did my student loan and THEN i walked all the way to the damn bank which, i find out when i try to open the locked door, has RELOCATED BACK DOWN THE STREET I CAME!! AAAAARRRRGGGG!!!! I had a mini freak in the street and then just walked home (I was hungry and tired, a bad combo). I'll go to the stupid bank tomorrow. I also had a close encounter with a bee today... it flew in from the balcony... i had the window open to cool the place down and it just flew in like it owned the place. I HATE bees! Anyway, it flew back out again and I promptly shut the window. So... yeah. Gotta go start reading! Fun fun!