May 21, 2004 21:30
bad things this week...
-i paid TOO MUCH for a stinky oil change because my car is a picky butt...
-i got yelled at by some loser because i didn't know anything about my car (and he wasn't even the mechanic! damn bastard...)
-gas prices are going upward every second...freaking california government!
-a certain friend was being a bitch and took it out on me
-certain people failing to show up for class...and expecting me to get them notes/sign them in...(yet they don't return the favor)
-i bombed my psych quiz...
good things...
-i visited my super cousin grace unnee at loma linda
-i bought season 2 of smallville
-i found teeny bopper movies at walmart for $8
-my super friend erika is ALWAYS there when i need her...THANKS POO!
-my clean dorm room
-i saw part of the talent show
-getting out of class early...
-arnice letting me borrow her tv so i could watch movies...
anyways...the good things definitely made up for the bad things...but yeah...that was the week of my boring sad existance at lsu...*sigH* of course other crap happened...but i can't write all that because i know some punk ass is gonna read it and tell the wrong people and once again, there will be drama blown out of proportion...i wish it was summer...or at least the long weekend...thats all for now kiddos...