Frankly I went to see this movie not expecting much. I thought the plot was going to be mediocre while the special effects would steal the show. Instead I got to see a very character driven movie that also had brilliant special effects. *YAY*
Timey-wimey stories are one of my most favorite plotlines. Needless to say I was very happy with the plot. Spock Prime made an alternate reality! There's a brand new Trek sandbox to play in, but it's still faithful to the original series.
Things I liked:
Kobayashi Maru! Kobayashi Maru! Kobayashi Maru! We got to see Kirk do the Kobayashi Maru!
New alternate reality!
Nimoy!Spock. I was expexting him, but still had to gasp with the rest of the audience. So very cool.
The camera angles. Very cool space shots, upside down, sideways and all. Makes you think about inertial dampeners and zero-g.
They tried to pay homage to every set of uniforms that has appeared in the media. They did a fairly good job.
Character interaction. Everyone did a very good job!
Frankly I thought this Spock was more realistic as a human/vulcan hybrid. I feel we see more of his conflict in this story.
Gratuitous Undies Shot! Thank you Uhura!
Things I didn't like:
While Sulu's collapsible sword was a neat trick, I feel it should have been a foil, not katana. :(
Scotty's sidekick. What was that? It looked like a pigmy version of Piggy from Power Ranger SPD.
Chekov. I thought the accent was a bit over the top (and 'victor victor' just doesn't have the same ring as 'nuclear vessels'), the curly hair was bugging me and can you say Gary Stu. I know you can!
Things I'm *ehh* about:
Karl Urban. He did a *really* good Bones voice but I'm not sure I liked him in the part. That may just be because I look at him and see Cupid (a la Xena & Hercules). He has aged... not well.
Uhura was disappointing. Yes she had a better role and more lines, but Zoe Saldana just doesn't have the same presence as Nichelle Nichols.
Things that were missing:
One beep for yes, two for no.
Nurse Chapel?
Yeoman Rand?
Trek jokes I caught:
On the Kelvin: there's a big eyed, skinny alien on the bridge. The same species appeared in 'Voyage Home' in the Starfleet command center.
Uhura's roomate/Kirk's girlfriend was an Orion (green skinned humanoid). She arranges herself very similarly to the Orion slave girl first seen in the pilot episode 'The Cage'.
Scotty's experiment was preformed of 'Admiral Archer's prized beagle'! *snort*
Conclusion: Very pretty, overall enjoyable. Sequel now? plz?