Apr 13, 2008 20:40
Here's another episode for you lol. Please leave a comment. Enjoy!
Episode 2
Maria: *is thinking* I can't believe that I'm in his car. I'm gonna kill her when we get out of here! *turns to glare at Mickie*
Mickie: So John what are your plans for tomorrow?
John: Well I have a training session with Ashley tomorrow. That's about it I think.
Mickie: Cool.
John: And how about you girls? Any plans like shopping maybe?
Mickie: Hmm maybe *giggles* but I have a photo shoot to go to though.
John: Oh okay. Sounds fun.
Mickie: Well it's going to be taken on the beach so yeah it should be *laughs*
John: *chuckles* And what are you doing Maria?
Maria: Oh nothing really. Just relax in my hotel and probably read.
John: Okay.
Maria: Yeah....*is thinking* Why is Randy quiet? Have I said something wrong? Or me being is making him uncomfortable? Grrrr I hate Mickie for this!
Mickie: So Randy what are you doing tomorrow?
Randy: Not sure. I was just thinking of relaxing at the pool.
Mickie: Yeah that does sound relaxing. *nudges Maria*
Maria: *glares at Mickie**grits her teeth* What?
Mickie: *rolls eyes and whispers* You're angry at me cause you didn't want to be here?
Maria: Yes!
Mickie: *rolls eyes* It's only a car ride so you'll live.
Maria: But it's bad enough to be in his car!
Mickie: So what's wrong with that?
Maria: Everything!
Mickie: *rolls eyes* You should be thanking me....or maybe you will later? *smirks*
Maria: Thanking you for what?!
Mickie: For being here. I mean this could be the first step to get close to him.
Maria: There's no way I'm---
John: Hey girls. Do you want to go to the movies with us tomorrow?
Mickie: Of course we would!
Maria: We would???
Mickie: Yeah! Sounds like a great idea! I haven't been to the cinema in a long time!
John: *chuckles* Alright then. Oh here we are.
*they arrive at the hotel. Everyone come out of the car and head for the hotel. They got into the elevator and then exit out of it*
Mickie: Hey thanks for the ride. We appreciate it.
Randy: Oh you're welcome. *smiles* Anytime.
John: So we'll see you girls later then. We'll go around 6.
Mickie: Good time. Okay see you later.
John: Good night!
Randy: 'Night ladies.
Mickie: *waves* see ya!
Maria: *blushes slightly* Night....
Mickie: Let's go Ria. *walks away*
Maria: *catches up* I can't believe you did that! Who say I want to go to the movies?!
Mickie: Oh well *shrugs* You're still going.
Maria: *glares at Mickie**opens room door* You know I don't like you right?
Mickie: Yeah....I know you love me *smirks* Now get inside I'm getting sleepy! *pushes Maria in slightly and closes door*
End of Episode.
episode two