hey hey im backk

Aug 12, 2004 04:01

hey hey  wasup.....l0ng ass tyme since i  talked in herre..i tryed ta yesterday but diana g0t my password nd  erased everything  i wrote i guess cas.....hmm.... mayb it was tha TRUTH...about  how she talkes shyt about every1 ...but watever ....nd she so0o dum w. her shyt cas she thought she was imin natalie but she  imed me askin''wats her password'' ...aint that  sum shyt ...so0o0o fukin inmature ..sweety  were in highsk0ol STOP already  w. tha kiddy gamez.. n e  wayz  ill finish that st0ry lata let me take u backk ta a week ag0 ...2 sundayz ag0(8-1-04)r0jay f0und i cheated  0n him .... nd  it was so0o0o0 bad it was tha w0rstest mistake in my wh0le  lyfe.. im so0o0o0 lucky hes even talkin ta me...then that tuesday i tryed killin myself but i was to0o scard.....then  wensday my ''LOVER'' (rojay) was 0nline nd t0ld me that diana was tellin kim (a gurl i dun lyke) everything  that  happen w.  me nd my''LOVER'' i was so0o0o pissted it was  fuckin  bad enuff i did wat i did nd  lyke 100 pplz already  new...no0 1 eles  needed ta no0... so0 then  i called her nd  she fuckin HUNG UP ON ME ....aint that sum shyt ... lyke  it was my fault she t0ld her...nd she new i was  guna  get madd ....  then thursday  my m0m called her nd  talk ta her.. ab0ut sum shyt  but  it was p0intlezz... ne wayz then  thursday nite  my''LOVER'' called me nd ask if i wanted ta g0 ta tha mall ..nd i needed  ta get  0ut tha h0use cas it was  tha w0rstest  week in my WH0LE lyfe...so0 i went nd we ended up seein catwoman((which was g0od)) i wanna b her wen i die = ) ne wayz i went h0me nd  me nd my''LOVER'' was 0n tha ph0ne till we feel asleep...then friday he called me nd ask if i wanted ta go0 with him ta get hes hair cut....nd 0f c0urse i  said 'yea'=) so0o0o hes mamy picked me up .....nd  shez so0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o nice i l0ve her i wish she was my mamy ......n e wayz..we went ta  publix then  we went ta  my''LOVERs''h0use so0o he c0uld get ready.. nd we hada wake up hes brother''CUTIE''=) so0 me,my''LOVER'',hes mami,hes br0ther,nd hes cuzin...went ta get my ''LOVER'' nd hes br0ther'zhair cut ....then we went ta br0ward mall...then hes mamy  droped us 0ff at  sawgrass...nd i helped my''LOVER''l0ok 4 a h0odie but  tha 1 he wanted was 2 much m0ney ...so0 we went ta tha m0viez nd we saw 3moviez  but only paid 4 0ne =) we saw ...shrek2...thundercatz 0r sum shyt lyke that...nd liddle black bo0k(it was ok).......but then  we left  in tha middle of liddle black bo0k nd went ta get  fo0d...so0 we g0t  fo0d ..ate...then  waited 4 tha bus.....................0mg it was my  1st tyme 0n a bus   nd it was so0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o funn ............so0  then  we walked ta  my h0use..chilled ther 4 an hour nd a half then my  mamy  to0k him  h0me...........it was  so0o0o go0o0od bein al0ne w. him  cas we NEVER uesta be al0ne....nd my m0m L0vez him ......which is go0o0od.....n e wayz saturday i went ta tha d0ct0rz then went  ta wendey's...then bl0ckbuster then h0me... then  i was watchin barbersh0p nd my ''LOVER'' called nd said  him,amp,nd anthoney were c0min ta pick me up .......so0o i g0t dressed nd amp drove  us ta  my''LOVERs'' h0use...then he asked if i wanted ta party nd i say 'yea'..so0 then he ask anth0ney  if he wanted ta c0me nd he said yea....but amp c0uldnt  c0me cas he hada b h0me at 8.30 lol= ) n e wayz  amp to0k anth0ney h0me ta get ready...so0 then me nd my ''LOVERs'' br0ther  went 0n tha c0mputer while my''LOVER'' was gettin ready....then  after  he was d0ne..we went ta  pick up ant....nd went ta  tha party.....it was SO0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O FUNNN!!!! nd so0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o ghett0......it was  go0d bein ar0und ghett0 pplz .....i havnt  been ar0und then  that  much  cas i was alwayz w. diana nd chad.........ne wayz  at ab0ut 1or1.30 tha c0pz  came nd  shut  d0wn tha party....nd we left.......then  wen we were in tha car  bring ant h0me my''LOVER''ask me if i wanted ta go0 ta church w. him nd i said'yea'.......so0o0o  then sunday m0rning my ''LOVERs''mamy  picked me up nd we went ta church = )i was kinda scard th0u i th0ugth  it was  guna  burn d0wn wen i walked in.......but it didnt = )......i think every1 sh0uld go0 ta church  its g00o0od.....n e wayz after church...''LOVERs'' mami br0ught ne h0me ...then i called him nd my mamy said  he sh0uld c0me 0ver nd  we'll get m0viez nd pizza so0 thatz wat we did....we g0t barbersh0p again....nd secrect window..(it wasnt that go0od)nd  i was  so0o0o0o madd i br0ke my tv...it fell 0n tha fl0or ... but ne wayz  at ab0ut 11.30my mami to0k him h0me ....then m0nday i cleaned my dirty ass ro0m...then wen my mamy  came h0mei ask  if my  ''LOVER'' c0uld c0me w. us ta get a new tv...nd she said yea...so0o we picked him  up  nd went ta brandsmart...then after i g0t my new ghetto tv...me nd my ''LOVER'' walked ar0und tha mall cas he wanted ta get a shirt....so we did that  then at around 9.10 we t0ok tha bus h0me again...then my ''LOVER'' stayed 4 a h0ur then my mamy brought him h0me....then tuesday wen my mamy g0t h0me i t0ld her we hada get  him again....so0 we did nd  we g0t m0re m0viez....j0hns0n family vacati0n (u sh0uld go0 get it..it was g0od) soo0 ne wayz  we watched it ...nd ab0ut 11.30 we t0ok him h0me...then wesnday...(yesterday)i went ta wurk w. my mamy  nd i g0t new granny sh0ez i g0t lyke every c0lorz .....nd then we picked up my''LOVER'' after wurk nd  he came 0ver while i  g0t ready ta go0 ta tha mall ...then my mamy  to0k us....then we walked ar0und 4 a liddle bit ..then  to0k  tha bus tha tha ghett0 wal-mart = ) nd we juss chilled ...then  we to0k tha bus h0me  nd me nd him  wer talkin ab0ut ....well i aint guna tell u  cas i dun  need m0re spread ar0und ...but if ur imp0rant nd wanna kn0..im me nd ill tell ya =)...nd  thatz been it ...then  taday  wer p0sta g0 sh0pun....0r mayb  juss chill herer...well see.......but  i h0pe me nd him  will stay  g0od lyke this ...im  so0o0o0o sry  4 wat i did ta u b0ob0o i l0ve u th0u <3.......................................................... ne wayz let me tell u ab0ut  my uesta be ''BEST FRIENDZ'' lmao ......WOW..... 1st i wanna say  thx 4 all tha g0od timez we had its ashame u  hada end it   cas  u l0st me as a friend i DIDNT l0se u .....1st let me  start  w. diana  i really  cant  belive u ... changin  my password nd  all of that  ur soooo childish  nd  DUM...ur juss madd cas i  was  tellin nataile nd chad h0w u  really feel ab0ut them ...nd  ur lucky i didnt   keep tellin nataile  everything  ..... but  nah  its  n0t w0rth  nd plus  u 2 need each 0ther.....cas nataile's so0o fuckin whiped by u.........nd po0r  fuckin  chad he w0uld do0 ne thing 4 u  but u treat  him lyke shyt......nd u  n0 everything i was sayin b4 was tru thatz pr0bly  y u erased it lma0 lma0 but watever .....juss meber  wat g0es ar0und c0mez ar0und nd u will get  urz....nd  ur soo unbeliveable cas u sit  ther tryin ta make me feel  bad ab0ut  sumin u did....then  u sit  nd  tell my  m0m all bullshyt ..... but i f0rg0t u dun  do0 ne thing bad in ur eyez ...every thing  u do is'perfect' but  sweety it  really isnt..................n0w  nataile u sh0uld  really learn  tha definion of ''TWO FACE'' bef0re u  use it cas u nd  diana  r  tha biggest   2 faced ppl...nd u talkin ab0ut  how  i   put ur  name in my j0urnal mann   shut tha fuk  up w. that  shyt...u  no0 if u wernt scard  u w0ulda put my  name up ther  tha 1st tyme u wer talkin ab0ut '2faced ppl' lyke ur self   nd  tha 0nly reas0n  why  u said  sumin  n0w was cas i did ...u  think i really  give 2 fuckez  u make it s0und lyke i  still wanna  be ur friend u mussta 4got  that in n0t urs 0r dianaz friend ...nd i didnt  want  ne thing ta happen ta u 2  cas  u need each 0ther cas if u didnt have each 0ther u w0uld n0o friendz nd .... u  juss dun wanan admit  that  ur a follower nd u follow watever diana  d0es....nd  its real sad......nd u think i  really  make up  wat diana  t0ld me  ab0ut  u ......nd that  all tha ''b0yfriendz' u  have  wer  frum  tha internet  .......nd u never wanna  meet  then  cas 0f tha way  u l0ok  nd u n0e im n0t liein  ab0ut that  ...... nd  if  u really  did belive that  diana doesnt talke shyt ab0ut u ....u w0uldnt  have asked wat she said..all i  g0t say  is ur dum  2  cas u  f0ll0w ppl nd u cant make ur 0wn desions .....nd  u  make  me laff......sayin ''o  yea  diana ur  ryte  ash is a  fuckin bitch ''........danm  if im a fuckin bitch  wat  r u  2 lmao lmao lmao lmao ..its so0o0o0o0o0o0o  funny h0w im a bytch  4 d0in n0thin but watever.....nd since i talk so0o0o much  shyt  why  dunt u tell me  all tha 'shyt' i talk cas i w0uld lyke ta no0 nd u  no0 i dun talk shyt......0nly reall shyt .......ne wayz...my life will b al0t  better wit0ut all  tha drama  nd   talkin  shyt ab0ut  every1 ...............  ne  wayz  i juss want all tha  drama ta be g0ne  nd my life ta get  back n0mal .....nd my b0ob0o/'LOVER' can go0  nd be happy  again  nd  4 it ta be juss us ..........i l0ove u so0o00o00o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o much  ro-ro i REALLY do0.........ne wayz im o0ut ......jacilina  l0v ya  gurl.....ro-ro l0ove ya bo0obo0o

leave me  sum l0ve ......0or hate  which ever  1  u want .............

l0v ya:::::::Ashilina::::::::: = )
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