So... for all intensive purposes, I have effectively stopped eating meals...
I try to put something in me at regularly scheduled intervals, not because I WANT to, but because my body says I should... but my stomach doesn't want any of it. Just... nothing SOUNDS good anymore. I literally stopped and thought about all of my favorite foods and not ONE really made me drool or hungry or anything... And that is NOT good...
Granted, I go through little periods of this, it seems, a couple of times a year, but... feh... Usually, I attribute it to eating too much of the same foods over and over again... like fast food *gags* Usually, a nice meal of sushi or something new clears it up... but even SUSHI doesn't sound yummy... I had Olive Garden with a friend today (celebrating our VERY belated birthdays) and the food went in, but... I didn't really taste it. For the first time in my life, shrimp tasted like plastic chew toys... and NOT the delicious yummy stuff I know shrimp to be! Both
sebastian_cat and
aijin_yanagi believe it is due to CalArts and the waiting...
If it is, which- I suppose it may very well be...- my goose is cooked... I have a whole month more AT LEAST to wait before we hear anything... Oh joy and rapture... ~_~
In other news, went and saw Fanboys with
sebastian_cat last night... TOTALLY WORTH the drive all the way downtown to the only other (and conveniently non-ghetto) theater playing it on this side of FRICKIN' KATY! ~AND~ the maze of 6th level of parking garage HELL to get to the theater on time! XD MOST AWESOME MOVIE!!!!!!! If you can find it playing ANYWHERE NEAR YOU, GOO SEE THIS MOVIE!!! I want these guys to make every PENNY back to the eighth power on this film! Good fanboy stuff! I laughed my ass off!
Went to the zoo this morning, in hopes of pumping out a few good sketches of the 'aminals', but no real luck... not even with my camera. Just an off-day, I guess...
Also- whilst hanging out with
aijin_yanagi today, I went and got my first ever pedicure... A TOTALLY GIRLIE thing that I swore I'd never do in my life and now I will swear here and now that I will NEVER DO AGAIN!!! OWOWOWOWOWOWW!!!!! On the plus side, my feet are prettier than usual, seeing as how I am forced to stand on them 8 hours a day at work 5 days a week! (Have I mentioned lately how badly I wanna go to school so I can sit and draw ALL THE TIME and not be yelled at? DUDE! XO I WANNA GOOOOO!) But now I have these... *wiggles her big toe* ... *SPARK*ILIE* *THINGS* on my toes! DX AND FLOWERS! WTH?! I need to find a nail place that could paint... like... a Subaru swish on my toe or something! XD
Tomorrow's Dr. Sketchy! YAY! *runs off before you all want to throttle her*