Another weekend slips through my fingers

Sep 07, 2008 21:26

Didn't do a whole lot of anything interesting this weekend. Went to go see The Spazmatics at Scout Bar again on Friday with my two co-workers, but the crowd was massive and it wasn't near as much fun as last time because the Star Wars-geekaholic bass player wasn't there. We'd made "promotional items" for the band- stickers and pennants. But with one of the members not there, it was just kind of sad and disappointing! Plus, everyone that stood in front of me was 6 feet tall minimum and didn't dance, so I had absolutely no room to move around and dance. Ended up leaving early because I just wasn't having much fun. Hopefully, next time will be better. They are a HECK of a good show!

Didn't do much of anything at all Saturday or today but work more with Sculpy and liquid latex... My first attempt at a cast did not go 100% perfect, so I made some revisions with sebastian_cat 's help. Hopefully this mold will be better and the casts will come out perfect! *crosses her fingers* I need to really get kicking on this project so they can be finished as Christmas presents.

No progress has been made on scholarships lately... Just been very discouraged lately. I don't actually QUALIFY for almost anything that FastWeb sends to me and my email to CalArts is, as of yet, unanswered. I am pondering emailing someone else.

This week, my plans is to get the watercolour card for Christmas this year hammered out. Hopefully, I will be able to communicate with lucifie for some guidance to perfect the design. Once it's ready, I need to start churning those babies out for Christmas. I want to make sure that THESE get out ON TIME this year! (They'd be the first!) XD

The next two weekends in September are going to be fairly busy. The 13th and 14th is the big Dr. Sketchy party & regular session. I am REALLY looking forward to both... I haven't really drawn since the last event. But I may have to find alternate life drawing classes... I'm not entirely sure that Dr. Sketchy is fulfilling my needs for life drawings to put in my portfolio. And the weekend of the 20th, the Academy of Art is having an "open house" event in Austin. The main reason I believe I will be going is that they will be having a portfolio review... I want some professional feedback on what I have so far so I can mold my portfolio to be the best it possibly can for CalArts. Plus, more information on AAU may be helpful in case things don't work out with CalArts. Right now, it is my back-up school. If I can't get in anywhere else, at least I've been accepted SOMEwhere!

I've just been in a weird funk lately... I lost some of my steam on almost ALL of my projects. However, we are encroaching upon my FAVORITE season here in H-Town! AUTUMN!!!!!! Granted... our fall isn't ~much~ of a season, just a mildly LESS hot summer, but still... I can ~feel~ the weather changing and it makes me SO HAPPY! So hopefully, I can start getting some of my EXTERNAL architecture pieces in my portfolio soon without the feel of melting my flesh off my body! I am so looking forward to being able to wear my hoodie again!

That is all for now. Hope everyone is well!

watercolour, autumn, christmas, scholarships, art, dr. sketchy, college

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