(no subject)

Apr 19, 2011 02:42

Oh God, my left thumb is callusing so hard from this goddamn song. Sin, I love you, but I hate you so much right now. No. Just. Fuck you.

Life. Has been going on.
My sleep schedule is all over the place. Had my bout of PMS cleaning, so the house smelled like cleaning products all day. And I did laundry~ <3 I really like folding clothes, okay. All warm and soft...
Except now it smells like pancakes. Because...I made pancakes. Wish the smell would hurry and leave, it's making me nauseous.

Noticed a few minutes ago that recently, I've been unintentionally doing things others would do. I guess to try and supplement my lack of it with them not being here? Like my mind is having me act out their roles for some semblance of balance? I don't know.

I keep being happy and then unhappy.
I should go somewhere.

Like the middle of the ocean.
That'd make a good vacation.
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