Jan 03, 2008 09:47
I keep thinking it's the fourth. Oh, well. I suppose that means I gained a day, right? I have the next three days off.
Things to do:
Finish dress commission. That includes digging out the lace, which is buried in the mess on my desk.
Visit Target to look at furniture. Need a little rolling stand for projects in progress that doesn't look cheap or plastic.
Figure out ordering blinds. I may go to three-day-blinds and see what they have. I looked at their web page, but a lot of the vertical blinds had textures that didn't translate well digitally. And I'm not sure about color matching. The windows are white, but the walls are sort of a creamy white. I'm not sure how much it'll matter, really.
Clean/organize workroom. I want to move some stuff around. Which means moving a lot of stuff around. And the room is a MESS! It'll have to wait until after the commission, though.
Meet with local doll ladies Saturday morning to pick up Rave. Yep, Raveniel is almost paid off. I'll be taking the cash for him to breakfast on Saturday and bringing him home.
Run-up for AOD. Once the commission is out of the way and we've done the workroom tidy, I have hats and dresses to make in preparation for AOD in February. It'll be interesting to work a new con.
Despite the fact that I have enough money for any one of the next three dolls on my list, and Luts is doing a Juri event with a free head, I'm not currently spending anything on dolls. I'm waiting to see if Avenger decides to sell Seth. If she does, I want to be able to buy him outright.
For those of you who were wondering, the holidays were as good as I hoped they'd be. I got to spend time with my family and with Sean's family. That was the important part, to me.