As of yesterday, I am no longer a student of the art department, but rather a pre-nursing major.
Oh come hell next semester with Chemistry, Biology, and the Kanji of Japanese 203.
In good news, I was surprised today to be told my rough draft is an A- as-is during my English conference. After my last three papers in the class ranging in the C/D area before corrections, it was truly flattering to hear my professor compliment me on how "very academic" my paper is. She went on to say how it's a very different style from the other students, and that I seem very authorative and knowledgable about my topic, rather than struggling to find resources to support my arguement. I can't say how happy that makes me, considering the thought of the 10 page paper was daunting when entering the class. But, I must say after I chose my topic (Anglo-American opinion on immigrants) I did become very interested in the theories, which probably fueled the outcome of it.
I have also started on my
high-priestess costume! Hopefully to be finished by this weekend.