a much needed update

Dec 13, 2008 13:20

Yes I'm still around but I've been spending more time reading and browsing than posting, so sorry :( well, I'm more sorry to myself, a lot has happened and I shouldv'e kept an update on it all. Ok, first I'm a married woman now, yes I know it's crazy *_* We've been married since March 27, 2008. Of course I love being married but it does change some things and I've never been that good with change. He got a new job about an hour from our hometown so we had to move and I'm terribly homesick :( and eventhough we have each other and our two cats it still gets pretty lonely but I am meeting new people so it's really not that bad lol I'm just rambling.
And I'm still upset over losing my cat :( It was Mallow (the white one in the pics from the Aug. 31 post) He just disappeared one day but I wasn't there because it was after I got married and was living wiith my husband and his family so I feel like if I would've been home, he would probably still be around. I struggle with that a lot still but God is with me and gives me comfort everyday. My goodness I could not imagine being without Him.
I'm also still going to school lol maybe I'll graduate someday haha! oh yes I will, you can bet on it! One way or another. Well one of the good things about being married is that it keeps me settled, otherwise I'd probably change my mind yet again about which school to go to so thanks honey for helping me stay put ^_^ Now if I could just figure out what I want to be when I grow up...
So anyways, I hope to get back in touch with my lj friends again ^_^ I miss you all bunches!
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