[fic] It Has To Be You

Jan 01, 2010 04:15

It Has To Be You
Author : mizuno_hikaru
Pairing : Akame
Rating : PG15
Summary : I don’t need anybody else. Just you. It has to be you…
Warning : sorry, un-beated. Write it in a flash and I must post it today, so… *wink* but you guys don’t mind it, right??
A/N : sudden urge to write! It’s my first fic for 2010, ne~ ☺

Everything was a blur.

Loud thumping music filled the room, the up-beat tempo swallowed anything in : glasses clinked to each other, cynical laughs, the claps, whispering sounds, muffled moans, and no one cares. No one. They just faded away-the scent of alcohol mixed in the air along with sweats and perfume. The crowd went wilder as they keep grinding each other hips, shaked their body along the rhythm and enjoyed the moments of fake butterfly’s warmth touched their bare skins. Dance, giggle, flirt, and more dance. They came to have fun, so why stop ?

And there he is.
On the corner, a bottle of beer on his hand, felt lost and helpless. His friends danced on the dance floor, and he has no intention to join them. He’s not in the mood, and sighed as he wondered why he felt that way. Some girls tried to flirt with him, but he ignored them. So not like him.

The flourecent digital clock blinked up there, so high on behind the DJ’s balcony. The R&B DJ said something and the crowd cheered, music echoed endlessly. And he still stared at those numbers : 11:23 p.m.

It’s 31th of December, and he wondered how fast the time goes by.
A year. A year, then years. It passed like a breeze and he almost didn’t realize it. He remembered the previous day : Kamenashi sat on the sofa doing nothing. They eyes met, and the younger male asked him if he had any plan for new year.

“ To the usual club with my troops “ Jin answered, and Kamenashi didn’t utter any word to reply. They sat there on the sofa, each on the edges; the gap between them felt wider and wider.

Jin took another gulp of his beer. Kamenashi ? What a joke ! He used to call him by other names : Kame-chan, Kazuya, Kazu-chan, Turtle… but never Kamenashi. It was never Kamenashi. Since when they started to call each other with those damn formal surnames ? Akanishi and Kamenashi…? What a joke ! It’s used to be Jin. It’s always Jin and Kazuya. It’s used to be Akakame, Akame… Damn, he missed the pairing names from those SC era.

“ Jin, are you okay ? “

Jin lifted his gaze, found Pi stood there in front of him-eyebrows furrowed with concern. He sighed, “ It’s nothing, Pi “

“ Well, it didn’t seem nothing to me “

“ I- “ Jin hesitated. I don’t know. I just don’t know. I just felt lost. That’s all. And I don’t know why.

“ Jin “ Pi’s tone was firm, and Jin sighed once again, “ I just don’t know, okay Pi ? I’m just not on the mood “

“ Go “

“ What ? “

“ Your heart wasn’t here, that’s why. Go. To where your heart belongs to “ Pi pointed the door using his chin, “ You’re just ruining all the fun, after all “

Jin blinked for a few times. And all of the puzzles clicked together : fireworks. Two glass of champage. Balcony. A tight hug and sweet kisses.
That’s how they celebrated their last celebration of New Year together. A celebration long, long, long time ago. The new year of 2005, since he went to LA on 2006’s October. And they never celebrated it together again. Yes with the group, but not only the two of them. The fact stabbed his heart with guilty.

He felt stupid, so stupid. He cursed himself for his own ignorance. How could he never realize it ? He grabbed his coat and mumbled ‘thank you’-practically dashed to the exit. He need to go. To where his heart belongs to.


It’s 11:55 p.m and Kazuya sat on his sofa, blankly stared on the machine in front of him-the television was on, the reporter cheerfully reported the whole night’s activities. On another channel, the annually battle of Red and White team almost on the climax. It’s five minutes to New Year, after all.

Ran and Jelly lied near to each other, both stared at him. Kazuya chuckled and patted his dogs, “ What ? Stop looking at me like that. Nothing to be pitied to, you know “

Oh yeah ? A voice from the depth of his heart mocked him, and Kazuya put a sad smile. “ I already get used to. It’s not my first time-the new year’s celebration without him. “ I mean, we stopped celebrated Christmas, New Year and Valentine for just the two of us since… 2005. It’s four-five years ago. Yes, we celebrated them together with the group, but not only the two of us anymore. And I’m already get used to it, really.

It was here, their last new year’s celebration. They were twenty-one and nineteen; Jin bought a bottle of Champange and Kazuya broke the rule to not drink before twenty. They ate the cake together, along with some fried chicken and the new year’s soba. Watched the fireworks from the bacony together, he leaned on the older male and Jin pulled him into a warm hug. Then those kisses, and they made love on the wooden floor since they were way too impatient to reach the bedroom. Or even the nearest couch.

But it was perfect, that night, and Kazuya wished time was stopped at those moments.
His tears fell even before he realized them, and Kazuya hugged his knees. The tears just keep coming out, and he couldn’t stop them.

He hates the older male. He hates Jin. He hates himself : for still loving the older male after these years. And that made him felt so helpless.

Kazuya wiped his tears. He has a bell, but whoever this person is, really ignored it and knocked his door furiously. He wondered who is it, and Ran raised her head-run to the door, waving her tails and woofed at him; as she was ordering Kazuya to open the door.

“ Kazuya, open the door…! “ and he recognized the owner of the voice. Kazuya opened his door, and there he is : Jin stood in front of him, sweating and looked so restless. “ Ji- “ And his sentence was never finished. Jin embraced him tightly, and Kazuya felt his tears fell even more.

Jin stepped in, still hugged the younger male. The door clicked close with a soft tick. Ran stared at them, tails waving endlessly and Jelly sniffed at the guest, try to memorize the smell of whoever is him-because he seemed to be important for his master and his fellow senior.

“ But why…? “ Kazuya’s voice was shakken, and Jin burried his face on the crook of the latter’s neck, “ Because it has to be you “

“ Eh ? “

“ I don’t need anybody else. Just you. It has to be you… “ Jin replied, “ It’s always you. And I’m a fool who need such a long time to realize it “

From the window, sparks of the fireworks illuminated the room with bright colours. Red, yellow, green, blue, more green, red, another red, blue, and it repeated over and over. Both of them still hugged each other, took their time-celebrated the new year with their own way.

“ Happy new year, Jin “

“ Happy new year, Kazu “

Kazuya smiled, “ Okaeri… “

Jin replied the smile. Finally he reached it, where his hearts belongs to. “ Tadaima… “


one shot

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