Maruda's Drabbles : Five

Oct 03, 2009 11:52

*title refers to the number of drabbles
Author : mizuno_hikaru
Pairing : Maruda
Rating : PG15
Beta : 
Genre : angst. and fluff~
Summary : sequences of Ueda's POV.
A/N : supposed to be Ryoda but I changed my mind. Maruda need a little love~!! Junda fans, please don't kill me. Blame Junno for having a real girlfriend XDXD

01. heartbreak

You didn’t ask if I was okay. You said nothing. You sat beside me, silently offering me a box of tissue and a glass of water. I cried on your shoulder and you patted my back, “ It’s not your fault “

(It’s nobody’s fault, you said, Forget about him. And I was happy when you continued, I’m here for you)

02. chocolate

There’s a box of chocolates on the desk, with my name written on the card next to it. Eat, it wrote, and be happy. Someone told me that chocolate is the best medicine for the soul.

(I called you, and both of us ate those chocolates. It’s bitter, but it’s sweet at the same time. Just like ‘love’)

03. lavender

It’s all purple, and you stood beside me. We didn’t talk, but it was nice.

Sometimes we didn’t need words. We just know.

(Thank you. I’m grateful that I came here with you)

04. melody

I was the one who was an expert in piano, but tonight it was you who played it. A simple song, twinkle little stars. Honestly, you were a terrible player… but strangely, the song sounded so nice.

(And outside, the stars twinkle endlessly)

05. confession

I’m not ready for the next heartbreak, I told you, but I believe that you would never break my heart.

(You hugged me, and I knew that I have done the right thing : to entrust my whole heart to you. You would never, never break my heart. Ever)


fanfic: one-shot, one shot

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