Almond Blossom [2/?]

Aug 18, 2008 01:17

“Where have you been… all these years?”

His dark orbs flickered in anxiety.

“ I’m sorry, Jin “

I have searched for you for five years, Kazu. All the time during those fice years. I never forgot about you, I never thought of giving up, I worked so hard every single day of those years; not to hear an apology from you…

“ I tried to send you a letter; I tried to call you… but I just could not “ He replied Jin’s unspoken question, “ My parents forbade me to; they tore my letters, they destroyed any information I had about you… and somehow we moved several times; as if we were forced to erase our trail or something. My parents never answered my questions, they never said anything about us… but they knew “

“ But how… “

“ Our eyes, Jin “ Kazuya spoke in weak tone, “ I realized it when I saw our pictures together. Eyes are the window of the soul… and we just can’t lie. The eyes we had in those photos clearly declared that we had fallen for each other “

“ So they DID find out “

“ Yeah, they did “

“ And where have you been these past years ? “ Jin repeated his question. Kazuya sighed and replied in weak tone. “ After that day, my family moved to Yokohama. We moved to the suburban area, and it was difficult to keep contact. Two years after that, we moved again. This time to Nagoya. And this time, we moved several times within the same city; and I lost everything I had to contact you. The only one that still remains… “ Kazuya showed Jin his wrist, “ Is this silver bracelet “

Jin’s heart wrenched when he saw the bracelet. The twin to that braceled felt warm around his own wrist, he shivered in happines and smiled. Kazuya continued his story, “ A year before, I moved to Saitama to live on my own. My carreer is going great; and the cooperation sent me to the main office here, in Tokyo “

“ Kazuya, did you know that… “


Nakamaru opened the door, “ Akanishi-san, your meeting will start in thirty minutes later. We need to leave to Skypark Cooperation in five more minutes or we’ll be late “

Jin sighed. Kazuya stared at him and stood up; handing him his name card, “ Well, I must leave then. We could disscus about the deal later “

It was a heart-wrenching scene for Jin to see the other man’s back; walking to the door-seemed to leave him alone.

“ Kazu “

“ Yeah ? “ Kazuya stopped and turned back, “ What is it, Jin ? “

“ You won’t disappear again right ? “

“ No, I promise “ Kazuya smiled, “ I won’t disappear from your sight again “


The meeting with Skypark Cooperation went smoothly. The Skypark Cooperation was a large company that difficult to deal with, but fortunately they agreed on the contract and the deal was approved.

The night soon came; Nakamaru sent his boss away with a polite bow and came back to his office to keep their files. “ See you tomorrow then, Akanishi-san “

Jin nodded, he felt so tired. When he reached his car in the parking lot, his cellphone rang. His father’s ID showed in the screen.

“ Moshi moshi “ Jin picked it up, “ What happened, Dad ? “

“ Jin, I heard you refused the omiai proposal that your mother has arranged for you “

“ Dad, I’m 24. I can find my own lover “ Jin muttered, “ I don’t want to marry yet. I have a big career to take care of right now “

“ Jin, don’t you understand ? The girls we choose… “

“ …come from powerful families who can support my bussiness. I knew. And Mom will add that they are all beautiful and perfect “ Jin cut his father’s line, “ Dad, seriously I don’t need them okay ? I can make this company succeed without that dirty tricks “

“ You can’t run away forever, Jin “

Jin paused for a second, “ What do you mean with ‘run away’ Dad ? “

“ You still love that boy, right ? That Kamenashi Kazuya boy “

“ …Dad…? “

“ It’s a good thing we forced his family to move away “ His father’s words shocked him, “ Your relationship with that boy is a big useless taboo, you know. Just forget that boy, you won’t ever meet him again anyway “

“ WHAT ?! “

“ Jin, listen. What we did is the best way for you, okay ? Meet your mom tomorrow at 07.00 p.m “

His father cut the line off, leaving Jin frozen in anger.

I can’t believe it ! It was my family who forced Kazuya’s family to leave ! And that’s why I could never find them; my own family betrayed me and forced them to move away once again everytime I got a new clue…

Jin took his cellphone once again and dialed Kazuya’s number. After a while, someone finally picked up, “ Moshi - moshi ? “

Jin froze; it was a girl’s voice. Jin hesitated for a second, and then spoke : “ May I speak to Kamenashi Kazuya ? “

“ Kazu ? He left a while ago, to the minimarket, I believe. Do you want to leave a message ? I’ll tell him “

“ No, it’s okay. I’ll call him again later “ Jin refused, “ …and may I know who I’m speaking to ? “

“ Amahara Satsuki “ the girl answered, “ I’m Kazuya’s girlfriend “


fanfic: almond blossom

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