[drabble] Primrose

Jul 23, 2008 01:37


Author            : mizuno_hikaru
Pairing            : akame
Rating             : SAFE… this is just a drabble anyway~
Disclaimer      : they owned each other~~
Summary        : Jin answered all of Kazuya’s ‘what-if’ questions, taken from Kazuya’s POV
Warning          : un-betaed. But my English isn’t that bad, so I guess it’s okay~
A/N                  : flower language for Primrose : “I can’t live without you”
2nd A/N            : dedicated to 
akame_hime and
dephi. ILU girls~!!! ^_________^

It was a radiant night outside, as my eyes caught a glimpse of starry cobalt blue sky with a full moon; shines in a dim gentle ray. Sakura petals coloured the world with their pink shades, while the air held the fragrance of sandalwood mixed with the smell of sweats and sex. A familiar scent for us, hazed by the warm spring’s breeze.
You were embracing me when I slowly opened my eyes. Your brown orbs were half opened with heavy lids, yet a gentle smile plastered on your face as I removed some bangs from your forehead.

“ Ne Kazu, did I awake you…? “ You asked me with a low hoarse voice. I shook my head and snuggled closer to you, enjoyed the warmth. Your fingers brushed against mine, tangled them as one. I nipped your fingers and arm with butterfly kisses, our eyes finally locked together.

“ Ne Jin… “ You caressed my neck, “ I wonder… what will happen if we never met each other before ? “
No akame stuffs, no young innocent hearts trapped in a forbidden love, no tears and no words of good bye…? What will happen then…?

“ Then we’ll still live our lifes, Kazu “ You answered, “ We’ll live a life which we’ll search for each other… since we noticed that something precious is still missing; and we were destined for each other “

“ …and what if we were never fall for each other like this ? “
Could we still have a bond like the one we share now ? Could we smile and joke freely without any back-off since we were told not to be so close to each other ?

“ We’ll definitely fall for each other… and no way it’s not gonna happen since I fell for you in our first met “

“ …what will you do if the world were against our love ? “
Like what happened to us some while ago ? Broken-hearted and awkward clumsy dialogue since the words never come out ?

“ I’ll fight back and told them that I won’t give a damn. Because we can’t deny love as it was told by our hearts “

“ …what if one of us die first ? “
Because it was my biggest fear. To live a life without your presence by my side…

“ It’ll be a painful life. An empty clueless life; that must be supported by our cherished memories to survive before the death joined us together again… “

“ …sweet talker “
“ And look for the one who started all of those ‘what-if’ questions… “

“ …Jin ? “
“ Yes, love ? “

“ One last question “ I smiled, “ What will you do if I said that I love you ? For ever and forever…? “
“ Then I won’t need any words to answer your question “ You took my hand and put it on your chest, “ You already knew what my heart said as the answer “

You kissed me with a breath-taking passion. I closed my eyes, felt so complete and satisfied. You are my soulmate; my other half. You are the piece I need to be whole. I can’t live without you…

“ …Kazu ? “
“ Yeah ? “

“ You knew that I can’t live a life without you, right ? “
“ I knew “ I kissed him back, “ Me too Jin… “


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