Have a bit of time to spare (BIG SURPRISE!) Give me something to do on my breaks :)
stolen from
myneonhearts Name a fandom and I'll answer the following...
1. The first character I first fell in love with
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t
4. The character I love that everyone else hates
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3) Annabeth, probably very bad to say and everyone's gonna want my head after seeing this but I just feel very indifferent about her.
4) Not quite sure who I can put here...probably Mr. D assuming everyone hates him. Of course I've warmed up to him a lot more because of the RP but he's just generally awesome okay.
5) I used to think me and Rachel could be like BFFs..it's not that I don't like her anymore, I just like her less..for some odd reason?
6) Leo Valdez Just to put him out of his misery No, I'm kidding, but I'm anticipating the day when he actually manages to land a date. I would smooch practically everyone, yo. Come on, it's a series about demigods and gods, good looks are everywhere! Might have to go with Percy though. Sorry Annabeth.
7) It's really a tie between Thalia/Reyna/Zoe because all three of these ladies are such BAMFs and show so much bravery in their own way.
8) You mean if I don't get blasted to dust in the process? Atlas. But then again, I won't have to worry about being blasted cause he's holding up the freaking sky, so I could do it repeatedly. Sorry, suckah. Actually no, I'm not sorry.
9) This is impossible to limit to just one soo... Percy/Annabeth, Jason/Reyna (even if it isn't technically canon yet, I'm just reading too many fics here), Silena/Charlie, Thalia/Luke...but the angsty, forbidden romance type thing they had going on.
10) Nico/Percy, Nico/Thalia, Reyna/Leo...JUST NO.
Also g to the poy on Jason/Reyna. It's not canon, and it might never have been canon, but dear gods do I love it, and it is canon on Reyna's part, at least. I still have hope for it to work without someone dying/getting their heartbroken, but I think we both know that's not going to happen ;____;
Sad that you don't like Annabeth though ): We'll just have to bond over Reyna, Thalia and Zoe bamf-ness instead I suppose~
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