Dec 05, 2004 13:53
and yet after all the rain the hurt and the pain i wouldn't take it back for anything i wouldn't trade my journey for all the gold in the world all my battel scars the tears the nights i cried from my endless fears i would re-live again without changing a thing see all the strife the confusion and heartache made me the the young women i am today so if you asked me would i do it agian you probably be shocked at what i would say "in a heartbeat" i would travel down that cold long road filled with hardships and trouble left un told for i have learned what no book could ever teach i can now make it in this world on my own two feet i need no one top tell me who i am or my own possiblities i need no pat on the back to know what i have achieved so without shamed i accept my many flaws my drama filled past i wear like a stain on my t-shirt with no attemps to hide it so love me or hate me i can only be me from now until eternity !! 2bc