Irrational Fear Does Not Equal 'No Support'

Oct 25, 2013 00:02

This post contains controversial topics. Read at your own risk. As a Christian, i believe in the inerrant truth of the Bible as well as believe that Jesus Christ is my savior. Again please read at your own risk.

[My own thoughts and concern about homosexuality]Lately i've been concern over the fact that homosexuality has taken such a big turn in today's life. Today we live in world where Humanistic values are more important. And as a Christian myself, how should i take this? how should i critically think and decide what is right in God's eye? Is He wrong? Is He right? Yes in God's book it says that it's wrong, but to today's society, simply quoting is not efficient enough and it makes me sad that such a great book is degraded to nothing but a fairytale and make belief.

Now to let whoever reading this know that I myself do not support the lifestyle of homosexuality, BUT nor do i have a hate for those who are homosexuals. I have homosexual friends and i love and care for them very much.

How i see it, it seems to me that any opposition  big or small to homosexuality from anyone; that person will be labeled has 'homophobic'. Personally i HATE that term so much. it's misused and thrown around.

The definition for homophobia from Merriam Websters is:
"irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against"
or from
"unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality."

Not supporting the lifestyle of homosexuality does not equal irrational or unreasonable fear. Irrational or unreasonable fear means to be scared of something and does everything to prevent something from happening without common sense and intelligent thinking or rash action without thinking.  People who goes against homosexuality has every right to because that choice was made rationally with intelligent thinking. the only difference is that it's biblical based.

If we get into the topic of Human rights, the definition is:  rights (as freedom from unlawful imprisonment, torture, and execution) regarded as belonging fundamentally to all persons.

though getting into human rights is another topic entirely and i will not write about it. just ponder to yourself, IF God is the ultimate being of morality, would homosexuality be morally correct? If He wasn't, what says that it's morally correct? People? People lie, cheat, steal and do things for their own good. (don't lie you know it's true and you all have done it.) Even myself; i have done those things. i do not hold myself in a higher position just because i'm a christian, but it does mean that i will be tempted to do those things because it's so self satisfying.

Where and how far are we to blur the line that marks right and wrong? if we keep changing it on human terms, eventually that solid line is forever lost and the world falls into chaos. God is never changing. He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and always. it's humans that change; not God. The rules he laid down are final and i'm sad that i'm a part of something that is hated so much by my friends, community, and several family members.


♥[TYPE] others, ♥[TYPE] faith, ♥[PERSONAL] general

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