Drama babble.

Jan 28, 2009 04:10

Watched the first episode of Voice. Almost forgot how much I love Ikuta. And Eita's precious, though I still have to get used to his face. I think I liked his looks best in Nodame so far. Endo Yuuya's character is a huge friggin' dork. And I love this Akira guy and his mom. His mom is awesome. And he is awesome and weird. And reminds me slightly of Chinen, especially since he's apparently Okinawan in the show. However if the series continues anything like the first episode it might become too tragic for me. Because that first episode got way tragic. I'm enjoying it so far though. And whatever kid they got to play little Daiki was perfect, because he had Eita's face.

EDIT: Nope. Not any less tragic in the second episode. I think I actually sobbed harder. And now my head hurts. :| Also Eita has big ears. I keep noticing them.
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