Day 23: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is underrated

Jul 27, 2010 21:38


I mentioned this like once or twice. But y'knw.

Dongwoon from BEAST/B2ST

Well, he's the magnae. And is very good looking :D
But for some reason he really doesn't get tht much screen time.
Even in the Bad Girl MV, you only see him for a few seconds.
Other times he's too busy being blocked by whoever's standing in front cause of the formation ):
(Isabelle even thought BEAST was a 5 member group cause of tht!!)

Anyway, I really love his red hair (:

Okay, I generally like red hair.

Like Sungmin's red hair during 너라고 (It`s You) :3

And Hyuk's gorgeous red hair :D

Ohman, I just love red hair >.<
(Why didn't they keep it for a longer time??? D: )
Wanna dye to tht after As too :D

I actually think that people from Suju all get a fair amount of love ♥
(And with fair amount, I mean like... a fuckload of,
They're so popular no one's unloved :3)
Therefore did not choose any of the members D:
Though I would've chosen Wookie, especially within Suju-M ):
Ohwell, should try to not be Suju-biased once in a while.
(Though, yes, I knw I really am)

Urgh, my left arm is so sore.
Must be PE yesterday.
Though we didn't actually do much.
(But it's really sore T^T it's even tiring to type D:)

Watched Inception today.

Didn't understand it at first.
Was confusing at parts.
Won't claim to totally understand it even now >.<
But it was cool, the concept and all (:
(And Watanabe Ken was in it!)
Anyway, GO WATCH IT (:

suju~♥, movie, kpop, meme-kpop

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